Chapter 9: To kill a hybrid

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( This is one of my longest chapters i have ever written in my history of writing, so, be prepared!)

The whole party, I couldn't keep my mind off it all. What if I never come back and they don't hold their end of the deal? What if they think I won't see? Will I see? The alarm goes off. I walk to her room and wake her up. She seems sober enough. I ask her if she remembers what I told her.

" What did you tell me?" she asks, obvlious to what I told her.

I smile mentally. " I just told you that Adam and Karla were making out alot and that school is in two days, so we gotta be careful with what we do."

Well, I didn't lie all the way. They were making out alot. That was true. She laughs and nods, walking downstairs with me. Everyone says hi and grabs their cameras, ready to take a video or pictures of her reactions to our presents. She opens the ones from Karla, Adam, Mitch, Jerome, and me and Ian.

" Wow, guys. You all have really outdone yourselves! And... is this the necklace I have been wanting from that expensive store?!?" Me and Ian's gift.

We nod, and I look down shyly. " Yeah. "

She comes up to us and hugs us tightly. We hug back, smiling. But the thoughts of Monday linger in my head. She rushes back over to the table, and the last but not least gifts she opens come from Tyler.

A ring. A beautiful ring, with a pearl on it, encrested in Diamonds. Her eyes get wide and she jumps onto him, hugging him tightly.

" Thank you thank you thank you!" she exclaims, kissing him passionatly.

I clear my throat. " Well! Tyler.. what about that place you are supposed to take her? You know... that place we talked about?" I said.

He pulled away from Nicole. " Yeah! Nicole, you ready to go?"

She nods, and they head out the door after she cleans up the frosting on her and Tyler's face.

Before they close the door, I tell Tyler something. " Bring her back by Ten!!"

He laughs and nods, shutting the door.

" Sorry, Nicole."


The next day, gosh, I wanna spend the most out of what I have left with the guys. If I don't come back. We went grocery shopping and ran out of gas on the highway, and me and Ian ended up pulling them all while they ate icecream in the car, we watched a movie in the living room together.

We watched vines on Adam's computer, me and Ian scared Mitch and Jerome while they were recording their one hundreth hunger games together, me, Nicole, and Karla all studied for the tests we have on Monday.

I spilled my soda on the table, making it all sticky, and Karla over reacted and shouted at me while I splashed her with sink water, then we watched another movie all together, and we bought Ice cream and Pizza. I don't think we had actual lunches and dinner all day. We just ate the bad stuff, which is more of the good stuff in Nicole's opinion.

All these memories flashed in my head as I got my uniform ready for school, along with my black and super baggy cargo pants, along with my faveriote white T-shirt and a black zip up sweater where the hoodie is too big for me and another jacket over top with no hoodie. It may be spring, but the nights around here in the warm seasons suck brain juice.

I decide to wear my old yellowed converse, the ones that never added anuthing good to my leg. I fold these items tightly, and put them in the extra pack I have in my backpack.

Unbroken.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin