Chapter 2: Can you hear the whistles?

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I turned to her, my red brown eyes wide and frustrated. " I can't leave the school. The committee needs me and it's the only school that lets me wear a fedora! " I say, my fangs clenched and both my hands on my fedora.

She sighed and turned to me." Yeah. Cry me a river. If Karla goes we go to. Now, Fluffy, can you enroll us in one?"

Jerome smiles. " Already did. I figured you would want to go with Karla, so, I decided to take matters into my own hands...paws.... hands... anyways. I got you in the same school, I already got your books, Ian got your uniform, Glitch, I got you and Karla's uniform. Suppkies were brought back by Mitch and backpacks by me. You go tomorrow. " he said, a big grin on his face.

Nicole smiled. " Thanks fluffly. " she said, smiling.


My alarm clock went off, making me jump a bit. I really don't want to leave the comfort of my bed. But, like a good student, I can't be late. I slap my alarm shut, and get up, my hair a mess. I lazily drag my feet to the mirror as I did yesterday.

I brsuhed my cherry red hair, putting it in a pony tail with my faveriote curl still dangling in my face.

I grab my clothes and take a quick shower, not delaying at all. I go into my room, looking for my glasses. I'm far sighted.... bitches.

I find my glasses where I usually put them, so I don't know why I looked for them in the first place. I lut them on with relief, and suddenly remebered my ears, tail, and wings. I looked back to adjust the fur on my black, white, and orange tail. Good.

Now I need to adjust the feathers on my wings.

I bring my wings forward and adjust certain feathers. Good. I looked in the mirror and nodded at myself. A pointless gesture but one I did anyways.

I walk downstairs, my leg giving my some trouble again. I grip onto the railings to the point where my knuckles turn white. Nevertheless, I make it downstairs painfully. I look at Karla and Nicole sitting at the table, eating eggs and bacon.

I walk to the door of the kitchen, resting my shoulder on the doorframe. Soon after, I feel familiar arms wrap around me in a tight bear hug.

" Well, hi there my beautiful girl. How are you this fine morning?" he says, outting his hands in mine.

I smile, careful not to show my fangs.He starts playing with my feathers behind my back. " I-I'm fine. Y-you?" I say, wishing he could stop playing with my feathers because it feels so good I stutter.

He smiles. " I am good now I'm with you. " he massages my wing, slowly.

I bite my lip. " I-Ian. N-not now, babe. I godda eat breakfast."

He looks at me. " I thought you ate already."

I shake my head. " No. I haven't you came downstairs seconds after I did." I say matter of factly.

He releases his hands from my wing. " Alright. Go eat your breakfast then." I smile at him and head to the table. He grabs her hand. " After a good morning kiss."

I get on my tip toes to kiss him, melting as we make contact. " Better? " I ask.

He smiles brightly. " Much."

Tyler walks in, his keys gingling in his pockets. " You all ready? " he asks us, smiling at Nicole while she blushes big time.

We nod and walk out. I look at Ian. " You distracted me silly. "

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