Chapter 10: Smile

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When I heard their voices, I couldn't believe three things. One: They actually followed me, two: I'm not dead (thankfully) , and three: I actually shot the gun at him while he was in the same water as me.

Ian said that, and I was a bit happy. I was just in too mich pain to move or open my eyes, so I gently moved the tip of my tail. When that got their attention, they carried me outside and called an ambulance, which arrived in under eight minutes.

I recall opening my eyes a bit and moving my head (which was a horrible decision) and closing them again. I opened them a second time and found myself in the middle of a really bumpy ride in an ambulance, a ginger man and a blonde girl looking at me with wide eyes.

I heard them say something about morphine and I closed my eyes painfully. It all went so slowly. Time seemed to go in suoer slow motion, because it seemed like hours before they opened the ambulance doors and wheeles me out to the E.R, and I started feeling really sleepy and calm, and I heard them say something before I closed my eyes.

" Clear!"

I woke up after that, not knowing how long ago that was. Days? Hours? Weeks? I had to know.

I got up from my hospital bed, and was fairly suprised that I felt no pain in my body when I walked up to the man at the reception desk and waves my hand in his face when I got no response. He simply walked away after typing sonething in his computer.

" Hey! Cutie! G-get back here!" He walks away, and I mumble somthing to myself. " They usually can't resist."

I walk back to my room, deciding it is best if I sit and wait for the guys. But when I walk into my room, I wish I stayed outside. Because I saw myself, laying there on the bed with tubes in my mouth and in my arms, stitches on my shoulder and face.

Holy crap.

I lean on the door frame, studying.....myself, when I feel something go through me, like in the cartoons. It felt mushy. Mushy.... and, it tickled.

It was Nicole.

She walked through me, followed by the doctor, and I walked on the other side of my bed.

" She's been in a coma for a month and a half, doc." Says Nicole, sadness engulfing her.

"If you want, we can pull the plug n-"

" Don't." Nicole said, fury in her eyes. She laughed angrily." Don't you dare say that. She will wake up. "

The doctor shook his head sadly and pulled my plug. " Orders of Ian Stapleton."

He said as he pulled it. My hands glitched out, (no pun intended) and I jumped onto the bed, waking up with tubes in my throat, which I choked on because they are suffocating me and choking me and it's all a very painful process.


We drove home, my headache the size of a moon, and when we got home, well, let's just say one: I don't think Nicole called them all, and, two: I wanted to break Ian's face.

They all hugged me and cried, saying that they were all so scared and thought they would never see me again, and then I tried to cheer them up by saying how dare they doubt me and my immune system, and they laughed and my plan for that joke worked and it was all happy.

Then I remembered Ian. The one guy I want to skaughter right now. But.... what if they were lying?

Everyone tells me that he is in his room on the phone with someone, and I thamk them and fly upstairs, knowing Ian can't hear my wings. I'm a silent flier.

Unbroken.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant