16: The walking Artfifical Zombie Hybrid

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Three weeks later

The bumpy ride in the snow wakes me from my slumber. I had gotten a ride from a nice girl who found me on the highway. She said she doesn't have any food, but, she would let me sleep until we get to the place I'm headed. She's headed the same way, anyways.

I'm still weak, still broken, still crappy. I look like a war prisoner, or a resident of the concentration camps from world war two. I probably look worse. I'm still skinny A.F, though. And scratched and bruised A.F, too. But, I've become accoustumed to it. I sit up from the back seat of her car, a nice ford fusion. A tight fit, but, its the first rest I've had in four weeks. She looks at ms from the rear view mirror, smiling a bit.

" Hi. Sorry about the ride. We're here, though. This is where we say goodbye. So, goodbye, Emeraldstar. See you sometime, take care of yourself." She says. I nod, and get out of the warmth of the car, and back into the blizzard. The lights of the city seem so bright to me. Its overwhelming.

She takes my hand when I wave, and places two five dollar bills in my hand. " for the buses. I hope you find your family. I hope everything goes alright. " she says.

I muster a weak smile twords her. She doesn't seem to care about my fangs that much. Not many people have the reaction she does. Barely keeping my eyes open, I put the money in the deep pocket of the baggy cargo pants. She salutes, and I also salute to her. " Thanks, Sarah."

She nods and drives off.

I start to limp/stumble twords a bus stop.

Five hours later.

I walk down the street, tired, weak, hungry, and barely conciouss. I could do without most of my blood, (still am), I could go with frozen and iced wings, I could go with a crushed arm and do nothing about it but bandage it for the bleeding, and I could go through torture. And, now, ittl all be worth it. I'm down the street from home. Home.

I walk to the bottom of the concrete stairs that lead to the front door. And then a light in the living room flickers on. And the door opens. I see a silhouette. I hear a gasp, and then they come closer twords me. When hey get in front if me, I feel my bad keg give out. The catch w, and then they put my arm around them for support, They help me inside. I'm gently layed down on the same couch I died on earlier. Its like deja vu. JTS like irony. I sense everyone running down the stairs, excited voices echosing around the walls. I struggle to stand up, and when I do, I stumble twords them, my eyes half open, my arm hurting like a mofo-ing bish. Still crushed. Still bleeding.

I look into Karla's eyes as she strokes my cheek. I'm home, I'm finally home. I feel someone drape a blanket on me, then on my iced over wings. I already feel the warmth and relief. I feel ginger and careful hugs all around me, and, even though it hurt like hell, I won't tell them that. I've been looking forward to this for four weeks. For half a year. I haven't hgged or had any physical contact with anyone since I was taken. This, this right here, this is all I could need right now.

Then they notice my arm. And my leg. And my wings, which now have blue flesh. And they notice how deathly pale I am. They put two more blankets around me, and help me into the car. They drive me to the hospital, where I am out in intensive care. They did X-rays on my whole body, they checked my temperature, which was the same temp, as outside. They checked my vitals, they checked how much blood I have lost, they decided after a long debate that they would not amputate my wings, thankfully, and then they found out that one of my lungs had stopped working completely. Basically, I was a walking, crippled, barely alive thing. I was impossible, I should be dead, they said. I should have died two weeks ago. They didn't find my pulse until I heard kevin's voice, and I overheard Adam and Karla talking about John and....... Nicole.

They said I am basically dead. I'm basically a zombie. They put tubes in my nose and in my throat to help me breathe and hopefully restore my lung, since I'm a hybrid and that one of the advantages. No transplants. Thats a disgusting idea. Hybrids like me restore.

They finally plan that in three days, they will perform surgery on my arm, and on my wings, since they are just dead flesh, they will try and get that fixed somehow. They will put some metal in my arm, and, apparently, it will basically be an artifical arm with how much metal is in it. But. Its not artfifical. Its just there to repsace the missing bone peices.

I'm going to get out of here, and Im going to find Nicole and john. If its the last thing I do.





Peace out skroob nuggets.

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