15: Lonely Road and No place to call Home

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The creek was silent, and the birds chirped. But, the silence and calm was shattered when a big splash and a flurry of wings was heard, echoing through the woods. Below, where the noise was caused, Glitch was thrown into the river. She fought when she got outside, but they just tied her up and threw her in. She floated downstream, he disbility to swim causing great struggle for her. She wanted to be found, she wanted to be safe and warm again. But those thoughts were buried long ago. Along with the old her. Now, she just wants revenge. She wants to sink her fangs deep into the flesh of the ones who hurt her, the ones who changed her.

The water tugged her downwards, as she flailed her arms and tried to get the blind fold off of her eyes, so that she could see where the water was taking her. She tried to keep her head above the current. She desperately sucked in as much air as she could, knowing that the water will fight her until it takes her life. But she just wants to get out of the wretched water, littered with sharp rocks and skeletons of dead animals and occasionally humans. The water shoved her underneath itself, out of reach from the previous air. She pushed against a rock that came her path, but instead of being pushed upwards, she scraped her hands, turning the water a faded crimson.

She was pushed upwards once again, and she finally got the blind fold off her eyes. She saw where she was being taken, and she didn't like it. Although she was already surrounded, she still didn't like it. The water tugged her down without a warning and she felt herself be thrown against rocks, making every bone in her body ache with pain. But she was too weak to do anything. She lost so much blood. Too much blood. She estimated about two pints and a half, considering how humans and occaisonally hybrids have only three pints of blood in their body. And its gonna be hard to find someone with the same blood type as her, considering how she is one of the few people with the rarest blood type in the world. Why can't she be normal? Why can't she be a normal stereotype human being? Why does she have to be this way?

Suddenly, a sharp rock ten times the size of the others smashed against her head, knocking the consciousness out of her mercilessly. Her body went limp and she floated out of the rapids soon later, still unconcious. She floated onto the muddy riverbank limply.


The trees rustled in the breeze, the snow covering everything in a thick three feet deep blanket of pure white, not a footprint to be seen. A wolf print, on the other hand.... yes. Glitch. She had been out for three days, and had to transform into her wolf form to keep warm, although that did nothing. She woke up just hours ago, her human body covered in snow and ice. If she were any slower to wake up, she would have frozen to death. So, now she trudges in the snow that is grazing upon her belly, her wings tightly wrapped around her body for warmth. It only helps a little. She sees a light, and a round triangular silhouette in the distance. A camp sight.

She turns into a human, taking out her blade she made when she woke up, and jogging to the site. The campers sleepily walked out of their tent, flashlight in hand. Glitch jogged faster, her leg making it way too hard. When she got there, moments later the flashlight was shone on her. She froze. She must look awful. Her hair all spiky and chin length, her bones practically ready to pop out of her skin, her eyes bloodshot and tired, filled with anger, and hunger. Her wings are soggy, and torn, and she's covered in her own blood. She must've looked like a mutated zombie or lab........ never mind.

She looked at a backpack, and could tell it had food and knives, along with pockets filled with hot minerals. She puts up one of her hands and inches twords the backpack. The male of the couple takes a step twords Glitch, and Glitch growls and raises her knife in response. He backs away and keeps his girlfriend or whatever behind him. Glitch swipes the backpack away, stumbling forwards. She forgot about the blood drainage. She puts the backpack over her shoulder. " Where's the road?..'' she asks, startling the couple with her voice.

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