18: Time flies

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Its a memory I have to live with. Something burned into my head like a branding. Something that will stick with me forever. Everyday it haunts me. I keep looking out at the familiar views. How I itch to jump out of this blasted window and fly faster than a swooping hawk.

How I long for the wind in my hair, the feeling of freedom and not having to rely on anyone as I soar free in the bright sky, or feel the cool night breeze and the cold moonlight shining on my skin. Its calming. It used to be the only thing I had left.

Until I met my new family. Their smiles and laughs were always music to my ears and a wonderful sight I missed seeing when they left the house. Sometimes I would just ask them to smile or laugh for me when I was feeling sad or missing my old house, the one I still remember to this day.

It was a small house, heck, it wasn't even a house. It was a two room apartment, fitting five . to live there. It was my home. Then I was drafted, and it ruined everything. Of course, I was fazed. Every time I hear a loud bang, like fireworks, the slamming of multiple doors, anything that's a loud bang, I either jump or wince.

They took me to therapy some weeks after Nicole hit me with her car. It didn't help. The lady had a smooth, full tone all the time, and I didn't know it was possible to talk in the same tone of voice until I met her. The big room we always met in was dull, the only source of light coming from the outside, the warming sunlight streaming through the oversized windows.

It struck me as a dull and sanitary area, overly germ frightened and very very quiet. Not that I didn't mind. It gave me time to be alone with my thoughts. I enjoyed the silence, which seemed to speak to me with a calm and soothing voice. Almost like a companion.

I haven't thought about it like that until recently. But, I have found that that is what it was to me. Maybe that's why I have not uttered a word since I awoke from my deadly slumber. Maybe I need to take a break on being so obnoxious and talkitive, and rather just stay quiet and reserved.

As much as it will affect my conpanions, I know that is a choice I must take. It will benefit everyone in the long run..... hopefully.

We pull up into the driveway. I get out of the car, swinging the backpack onto my shoulders. Karla insists on taking it for me, but I shake my head, thanking her and denying her on the offer. We walk inside the house, and my first instinct was to go to the kitchen and raid the fridge. But I didn't.

I had better things to do.

" Hey, Glitchy, wanna practice some spells with me?" Asks Seto, who I know has major strong feelings for me.

  I shake my head politley. "O-oh. Ok. Well, if you need anything at all, I'm here. Maybe we can go to the movies together tomorrow?" He suggests.

  Has he forgotten about the three major people in my family?! My adopted son, my boyfriend, and my best frekin friend. They're still out there. Still being beaten and malnutritioned. Still missing me, and everyone else hopefully. And they think I died. Oh, how I wish I could tell them I'm alive, and I'm looking for them, I'm gonna save them.

  I shake my head again and instead give him a long lasting hug. He wrapped his arms around me, and it almost felt like John was the one hugging me. Because Seto made me feel at home. Like John did. And safe, like John did.

I gotta find them. I will find them, no matter what.

   I walk to that old and chipped up desktop that we use next to the front door for decoration. On it are pictures of me, Nicole, Karla, and the rest of the gang. Before everything started.

I feel a lump in my throat making it hard to breathe. I put the picture down and walk to my room, looking for my backpack. I look underneath my bed, in the closet, in the bathroom down the hall, and I still can't find it. 

I turn around and realize that Karla has been holding it for awhile now, smiling smugly at me. I smirk and take it from her, nodding as a thank you. She nods back and walks to someplace in the house. I smile after her and then sit down on my bed, taking the contents out of my backpack.

  Pictures of me and Kevin, me and Ash, and one picture that forms a lump in my throat and makes my eyes water. The picture is ripped and very old now, but... it's worth so much to me. Worth millions.
Its a picture of Me, Nicole, John and Kevin. Nicole was the only one who sort of knew about me and John. I think she knew. She seemed really... uhm.... supportive of us. Even if he killed me once.


I put the picture in my pocket and walked to Nicole's room. I breathed in the scent. So familiar. I missed it. I saw a note on her desk. She hates writing notes. What is this?

  I walk up to it and adjust my glasses, reading it while holding it a far distance from me.

   To do:

  Find Glitchy

Look for glitchy


Maybe eat

  Look for glitchy

Find glitchy

Find glitchy

Find glitchy__________________------______-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-________~____

  The rest of the note was scribbles and the paper was crumpled. She really was looking. She really cared. And I left her alone for so long. My Nicole.

  My Nicole~

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