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Nothing in his life had ever prepared Alex for every day of his life one after another to be this monumentally boring and humiliating. Both his wolf and August's were on a moral strike. Withholding their enhanced senses, forcing Alex and August to spend each day in the exhibit completely of their own minds, in the bodies of their wolves.

They had done some sparring, tried to replicate some form of training while in their enclosure, even that got boring in the small space available after a few days. From sunup to sundown Alex and August showed up, acted as wolves, and at night tried to get their mate to respond to them.

They felt it as she must have finally been released from the hospital. Travelling back to the demon's home. Returning to the city they were all sharing right now. Alex had no idea what his brother was telling their mate. Accepting that August was kinder and more thoughtful for other people than Alex would ever be. He needed to find the right words on his own to inspire his mate to accept him.

Every night, after they showered the stink of the zoo from their skin. Meeting in the kitchen to share a late meal, Alex watched his brother text out to her what had to be sonnets or damn poetry to her every night. Certain she was already falling in love with August, Alex needed to keep up. Making sure that she knew he was also thinking about her. Flowery words did not come easily to Alex. He sent perfunctory texts, he was sorry, he wanted a chance to meet her, in person. Trying to not be too much. To avoid saying the wrong thing until he was sure of the right thing.

Day five, Alex had gotten nothing in return, and was fairly certain August had not had a response from her yet either. Alex was certain he would know. His wolf would know. Alex thought he would try a different tactic.

I know you were scared. We should have given you space. We didn't. I didn't. I don't care about my hair.

For good measure, he sent an updated picture of him, posed beside his bike, no hair. Smiling what he thought was a very August style smile instead of his own that always looked too cocky for how insecure he always felt.

His mate. Their mate, did not respond to him. Alex spent another mind numbing day breathing inside a zoo exhibit, occasionally a large animal took a large shit, and the ambient scent of the zoo would change slightly. Defecation from an animal was the most mentally stimulating part of his day.

Two weeks had at first sounded like a more than manageable amount of time for what was being asked of him. It was quickly apparent that this was hell for Alex. August napped, or just lolled onto his back and watched the clouds pass by.

Alex was not built to be alone with only his own thoughts for company for very long. The demon had raised some very real fears for Alex. He wasn't easy to love. Not like August was. August was relaxed, and calm, and thoughtful. August was the kind of person other people wanted to be around because he made them feel better just by being nearby.

Alex had the opposite effect. In a different world, he might have never noticed that he caused others to feel heightened stress or anxiety. It was obvious when his wolf brother was always nearby growing up. Highlighting the differences between them.

Wake up eat, go to zoo, spend a mind numbing twelve or more hours pretending to be a wolf. Go home, shower, eat, try and reach out to their mate, sleep. Wake, repeat. Over and over and over. Day in and day out. Alex felt like he would either choke on his nightmares at night or feel his mind atrophy under the intense boredom during the day.

Until one day at the very tail end of their punishment, Alex had been feeling like his brain cells were melting, when there was a new scent on the wind. One he was still aware of even when his wolf was withholding nearly all his senses. His mate, was nearby. 

Alex and August had both been waiting, both able to sense her approach, trace out her scent from the multitudes carried on the winds. The demon wheeled her towards the enclosure. Alex had felt her eyes on him. Felt like he could feel her breath hitch when she realized what and who she was looking at.

August had of course also responded to her presence. The two brother's responding to her attention by seeking even more attention. For over two hours she had sat, transfixed watching them. The demon at her back, giving no sign that he was bored, or wanted to move on as they pranced, and jumped and performed for her.

At least not until it was clear their mate was growing tired and needed a break and most likely a full meal. Alex had watched closely as the demon whispered something in her ear. Then she had dug her cell phone from her bag at her side and looked truly shocked at the current hour.

She had been just as transfixed by him and August, as they each were by her. She had turned her head to watch them longer as the demon took her away. This time Alex and August kept themselves in check. They were not done their sentence, there were humans and children around.

She couldn't afford to have any more broken bones or injuries. Before today Alex had managed to convince himself that his memory of her in the hospital bed had been manipulated by the demon into a nightmare version. Lied to himself that she was not truly as badly injured as he remembered her looking.

Seeing her outside, under bright sunny skies, being pushed through the zoo in a wheelchair by a demon; the healing bruises darkening her skin, the casts on her arm and leg. The lie had come crashing down. He had nearly killed her, he had not been trying to appreciate her as she was before today.  Alex had made eye contact with the smirking demon, and would have sworn the demon nodded in approval of Alex reconsidering his assumptions like he could read his thoughts. Which he might, some demons could and no one had given either August or Alex a clear answer on the extent of the dream eaters powers.

Too soon, their mate had looked exhausted and the demon had rolled her away. Her head turning to look back towards them as she left. Hours later when the Zoo had closed, they had quickly showered the stink of other animals from themselves, changed and travelled home.

Alex began cooking, while August arranged their grocery delivery and other household needs for the week. When first Alex's phone had buzzed and then August's one right after the other. Both dug out their phones, "She said hi!" The both cheered at each other. They had seen her in person, and she was reaching out.

Alex looked at the phone like he was holding a grenade that had already had the pin pulled and was primed to explode in his hand. "What do we say to her? She knew it was us in the zoo right?" Alex asked his brother. August was people smart. He would know the right thing to say.

Silence. Alex turned down the burner so his sauce wouldn't burn. "We say hi back and wait." August decided. She had watched them for a long time. She had finally reached out. August was going to trust that the invisible thread woven between them by Selene would prove true and she would give them an invitation to move forward. They would wait, and she would give them the next step.

Except, nothing else followed. Alex served August a plate of chicken picatta that was slightly burnt but not inedible. Nothing else from their mate. The demon had not even given them her real name. She was in their contacts as a rose emoji. A constant taunt and reminder of how much they did not know about her.

They cleaned up the kitchen. Nothing. Alex was growing anxious. What if she was waiting on them. Wanted them to acknowledge that she had come to them today. August was trying to convince Alex that they should take a run or something physical, when finally, August's phone had buzzed and then Alex's right after. Before a third, simultaneous buzz, a new group chat beckoned to them.

I need to test my magic, Binh needs help securing a space. Do you want to help? Her words on the phone screen in front of them.

Instantly, both twins had rushed to tell her they would help with anything. Name a time and place and they would be there. Ready to do what she needed. Thrilled that August's plan to wait for her to take the next step had worked out.

The Alpha Twins and their Runaway WitchWhere stories live. Discover now