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Gisella had given up on the incalcitrant Tuesday. Bee was just strong enough in magic when joined with November and Sunday such that Gisella was able to mostly resume her life as she preferred it. The line was fine, and she felt life would be better with another battery added to the herd. When such an acquisition could be made.

Gisella knew when it was time to move on. Tuesday had managed to dig herself into a nice protected life. Gisella had no interest in working for the hard prize when easier game was still freely available. Gisella had changed cities moving along the freeway in the convoy with the hyena. Before deciding that Seattle was going to be her future home. The city's underbelly was in flux and had been for nearly a decade now. Easier to hide in a large city lacking stability.

The hyena had regretfully, long outlived their usefulness. Gisella had killed one and all of the dogs. She had done it quickly. All she needed was a small thread of air finding it's way inside their airways, strangling them from the inside. 

Burning the bodies the human way, with gasoline. Much to the relief of her batteries. Sunday and November were thrilled that their predators were dead. Doing all of the heavy lifting and dirty work of arranging the bodies into a pile with glee. Both practically throwing themselves at her feet with gratitude. Bee was less enthused being so close to murder, clearly disgusted by the behaviour of the longer term batteries.

A fine mood for all her current pawns to be in as she embarked on a new challenge. One more pivot in how she maintained herself. Seattle was lovely. Full of magic, and a beahemoth supernatural ruling council that felt itself all powerful. While unable to coordinate it's many arms and tendrils efficiently. A city with everything Gisella needed to try reconfigure her life. The Council assumed their reputation kept her ilk away from the city. The Council thought they had near perfect control over world order. Where better to hide than right under their nose.

If her or one of the batteries could manage some chaos magic and summon desired vintage garments into being, she could open a boutique catering to those with money a brushing interest in the occult. Gisella had lived this kind of life before. It had been much harder to be a business woman back then.

All she would need today would be a few batteries to power her, and staff the shop. Have inventory and good cash flow. Settle down, build the kind of luxury living she had been missing since she had fucked up the hybrid acquisition years ago and was left scrambling.

She had studied, waited, gotten everything lined up for that one moment. It had failed spectacularly. Gisella admitted to herself that she had been floundering ever since. Aligning with the Hyena had been another spectacularly poor decision.

Gisella left her daydream for her future, frowning at the walls of their current accommodations. A fleabag motel. This was miserable. But she only had her savings. There was no more money flowing in and she was going to need more capital, quickly. Needed to arrange a suitable boutique space, and significantly better lodgings.

Everyone would need new clothes to switch from the rough nomadic life to a stationary existence. So many expenses. Gisella looked at the newly devoted Sunday and November. Bee keeping her distance from the other two. Trying to set herself apart. Gisella had long since needed a new assistant, perhaps Bee could be moulded to be suitable.

A simple test, Gisella would give the ambitious Bee a chance to prove herself. It would give Gisella a chance to scope out locations, and if Bee proved herself then Gisella would be ahead. If Bee failed, well, good help was always hard to find. Better to know now, rather than later. Gisella was going to need a proper second. Someone with ambition and drive that could be shaped and directed appropriately.

The Alpha Twins and their Runaway WitchWhere stories live. Discover now