035. houston

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Bedelia and Spencer get to the facility in Houston and find a nurse who gets Diana's doctor for them.

"Hey." Bedelia rests her hand on his arm. "I'm right here. Okay? If you need to step away, I can talk to the doctor. Or if you need to leave, we're gone."

"Okay." Spencer nods.

"Daddy." Theodora grins, Spencer turning to the girl in his arms. She plants an open mouth kiss on his cheek, letting out a big 'mwah' as she pulls away.

"Thank you, honey." Spencer weakly smiles, trying to not let her detect how upset he is. He gently kisses her on the forehead, rubbing his nose against hers for a short moment.

"Dr. Reid." They turn as a man walks up. "Hi. I'm your mother's doctor, Dr. Johnson."

"Hi." Spencer says.

"I'm, uh, Bedelia. His wife." Bedelia shakes the man's hand. "This is our daughter, Theodora."

"Oh, well, she's a cutie." The doctor sweetly smiles. "I have three girls of my own. Love 'em to death."

"Yeah, she's pretty great." Bedelia softly smiles, scrunching her nose at her girl making the toddler giggle.

"So, um... could-- could you explain what's going on with my mom?" Spencer asks.

"Yes, of course." Dr. Johnson says before starting to explain Diana's state. While he explains, he leads them to the main area where all the patients relax. Bedelia looks around, spotting Diana in a corner by the window and looking outside. She has a book on her lap, though it's not open.

"If you want to go see her for a few moments, we can discuss her medications and alternatives in a little bit." Dr. Johnson says.

"I-I would actually like to talk about it now." Spencer says.

"All right." The doctor nods.

"I'll go see her." Bedelia says. "Come on, Theo. Wanna go see grandma?"

"Yeah." Theodora grins, having become very familiar with her grandmother on the trip to Paris. She reaches out to her mom who takes her.

"You okay with that?" Bedelia asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, no, go ahead." Spencer urges. Bedelia nods, giving his arm a comforting squeeze before walking off.

Bedelia carefully approaches her mother-in-law, not sure what state she could be in.

"Diana?" She softly calls, getting the woman's attention. "Hi." She gently smiles.

"Oh, Bedelia." Diana smiles. "Hi, honey."

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Bedelia asks, sitting on the seat by the window and placing Theodora on her lap.

"Mm." Diana shrugs.

"Hi, gwama." Theodora grins.

"Hi, sweetheart." Diana smiles at the toddler. "Oh, where-- is Spencer not with you?"

"He's talking to your doctor. They're just... catching up." Bedelia says.

"Oh." Diana sighs.

"He'll be over in a bit." Bedelia promises, giving the woman a reassuring smile.

"Right." Diana mumbles.

~ ~ ~

Bedelia got Diana to keep a conversation about the book that was on her lap, letting Bedelia look over it.

"Hi, mom." They all turn to Spencer as he walks over, a cautious look in his eyes. Bedelia gives him a reassuring smile, signaling it's a good time.

"Oh, Spencer." Diana sighs in relief, reaching out to him. "How great it is to see you." Spencer leans down, gently hugging her.

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