Chapter 15

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The camp is going good they do different activities everyday at night they all sat around the bonfire and roast marshmallows and sing songs.

Theo is a little far from the camp .He is seating under the sky and smoking . Today is a full moon .He is seating at a  high place .Under the cliff is a river flowing. The kids aren't allowed here .The river is not that deep but has strong current to it .He is seating far from the camp anyways .One can hear kids mild voices but it is more louder there.

" Seems like you have found yourself a cozy spot "

Theo turned around to see Kathy standing .

He feels as though someone caught him .He never cared what anyone think of his smoking but he feels embarrassed that Kathy found him .

" What are you doing here ?"?

" You were not in sight that's why I came to have a look ".

" People don't usually miss my presence".

Kathy smiled " There nothing usual about me anyways ".

The wind made Kathy's hair flow. she clips her hair. Theo found himself blush .

Kathy walks upto the edge .

" Don't stand there ".

" Don't worry no one will miss me anyway ".

Theo felt an unknown rage building inside him. Why did she say that.

" Then I should stand there before you".

Kathy smiled and as she was coming towards him she trips but managed to stand up.

Theo holds her. " I told you to not stand there " .Theo said as his heart started to   beat fast .Kathy feels it

" I am alright don't worry ,I should go back I would invite you but seems like you have found yourself a more nicer place ".

Theo doesn't respond as they were looking into each others eyes as Their lips were coming closer .Kathy suddenly smells the smoke. She takes a few steps behind.

" Don't be here for long ".Kathy said as she leaves.

Theo looks at the cigarette " Many people says you are harmful for me , I didn't care till now ". Theo puts the cigarette under his shoe  and crushed it . Safe to say he never touched it again.

Only two days left until the end of the summer camp.

After the last night Theo avoided Kathy because he felt awkward and now he was hasited then ever to talk to her.

While he was fixing one of the tents hock Kathy approached him.

" Need help there? "

" It's alright thanks " Theo said without looking into her eyes ".

" So you can also set tents huh great, I wish I was as talented as you are, You are magic Theo you could do everything ".

Theo looks at her curious " Do you believe in magic? ".

" I believe in miracles ".

" Aren't miracle just some fortune incidents that happens with us anytime".

Kathy smiled " Miracles Aren't fortunate incidents because if they were they wouldn't happen  when they were most needed . Every miracle is timed perfectly to happen when it's the right time ".

Theo stands up and smiles " The people who expects miracles are the one who had hope ,I lost mine years ago "

Kathy looks at him her eyes are filled with sadness. " And the best things happens when you didn't hope for it to happen ".

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