Ch 23: 500 steps of agony

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Today was an interesting day for the competition. An eliminated contestant would be rejoining the competition. Although you weren't sure who was returning, but you were curious. Four had an arm inside of where he sucked up contestants, and was staring into the distance. Balloony tried to see if anything was happening, but X moved over towards him.

"I wouldn't stand there if I were you!" X said.

"But I can hear the-" Ballony said, before being dragged away by X.

"Come on!" X said, angrily dragging away Balloony.

"Everyone! An eliminated contestant is about to rejoin!" Four shouted, the objects gasping at the realization.

"I hope it's Pencil." Match said, getting a glare from Bubble.

"I hope it's Stapy." Foldy said.

"It's Leafy." Four said as he pulled out Leafy and a cake. The cake looked real odd to look at, even for you.

Leafy went to join her team, but they backed up as soon as she approached them. Leafy then frowned, realizing that her team wouldn't let her rejoin them.

"Four, I don't think my team wants me!" Leafy said, sounding upset.

"Actually, you're joining The Losers! In exchange for Pin's Gratitude Token!" Four said, snatching the token from Pin's grasp.

Leafy then gave the odd looking cake that she got to Needle, who started to eat it. Only problem is that Cake watched as Needle devoured the cake that Leafy gave her. You decided to pick up Cake and bring him away from the horrifying situation.

"So, what's the contest?" Eraser questioned.

"Hurry up!" Golf Ball said as floated into the air.

"The sixth contest is-" Four said, then got interrupted.

"Actually, it's the eleventh contest! You missed a lot" X said, as Four realized how much he missed.

"Oh. The eleventh contest is to pick one of your team members to climb those stairs and press the button. The last team to do so loses." Four explained as X pressed the button at the top of the stairs, then waved.

"And no flyers allowed. Or else! Understand?" Four said, pulling out the same button that he had used for the paper airplane contest.

All the teams discussed who they were going to send up. Bottle or Tree couldn't do it since Tree was still stuck inside of Bottle. But he was close to escaping, yet he couldn't seem to get out.

You ended up volunteering to go, and so you walked towards the flight of stairs. Although you didn't like heights, you still needed to do this. The other contests you were competing against were Flower, Bomby, Balloony, Tennis ball, Dora, Needle, and Foldy.

"Go!" Four shouted.

You managed to get into 4th place, walking right behind Balloony. So far, you were managing to climb the stairs with relative ease. You figured that walking up 500 stairs wouldn't be that challenging, or so you thought.

The stairs weren't big enough for you, but were the perfect size for the objects. This left you at a massive disadvantage as your shoes couldn't get a good grip on the stairs. Needle had already finished, having sprinted up the stairs without any problem.

"You've got to be kidding." You said, as you shrugged your shoulders and kept on climbing the stairs.

You made it around halfway up the stairs, and you were starting to sweat and feel tired. Then you heard something yell from behind you. Yet the objects weren't fazed, which you expected. Then you heard someone yelling, so you turned around.

"Out of my WAY! I need my SPACE!" Flower yelled, pushing Tennis Ball and Bomby off the stairs.

Then she jumped onto your shoulders, using you as a boost to jump further up the stairs. Flower and Foldy were fighting, since you overheard Foldy say that she was going to make sure that Team Iance to avenge Stapy. Unsurprisingly, Flower managed to overpower Foldy, pushing her off the flight of stairs.

"Yes! Now I can win for my team!" Flower shouted.

Then you heard a loud noise and next thing you knew, you were violently pushed head first onto the stairs. You screamed in pain, as you felt pain flow throughout your body. You felt your heartbeat racing as you felt blood coming out of your forehead.

"Y/n! Are you alright?!" Balloony asked, as he tried to help you up, causing you to feel more pain.

"Stop! Just win... your team has already lost enough times..." You said, as Balloony stop trying to help you. "I just... gotta get to the top... even if I have to crawl my way to victory..."

You were very close to the top of the flight of stairs, so all you had to do was crawl to the top. So you started to do that, slowly crawling your way up the stairs to reach the button.

Tennis Ball and Bomby had made it to the top, while Balloony stood off to the side. Tennis Ball then looked at you, while Bomby pressed the button.

"Are you okay?" Tennis Ball questioned.

"Feeling faint... I need bandages." You said weakly.

"I think y/n's dying. We need to help him." Balloony said.

"I... yeah, you're right. Besides, it'll probably mean Four won't screech us. At least for a while." Tennis Ball said.

The two objects helped you press the button, and you were teleported to the ground, as your team and your friends ran up to you. Balloony and Tennis Ball also pressed the button, and were teleported nearby.

"It's okay y/n, you're going to be alright!" Pen said, as a few of the others helped you sit up, while the rest started wrapping bandages around your injury.

Bubble was still talking about how the whole alliance thing hurt her with Match. When Bubble noticed you were injured, she immediately ran over towards you. Match tried to stop her, but decided against it.

"Another name than that is safe! Which means Iance is up for elimination. " Four announced.

Four then teleported next to you, causing the objects to back away from you just as they finished bandaging your forehead. Four then started to heal you, putting a glowing hand on your forehead.

"X, get over here! Y/n is severely injured!" Four shouted as he started to heal you.

X ran up to you, and started to heal you as well. After a while, you were completely healed. Four and X made sure that you didn't fall as you tried to stand up. While you were a bit disoriented, it was far better than how you were previously feeling.

"So... Who even pushed me in the first place?" You questioned.

"It was Dora. She seriously injured you by running up the stairs at a very fast pace... So I had to teach her a lesson to never harm you again." Four said.

In the distance, you noticed Dora's mutilated body. You didn't expect Four would kill Dora since he told you that they were friends. Although it was clear that their friendship had been ruined.

"Uh Four, are you going to recover Dora?" Book questioned.

"Nope! She doesn't deserve to be recovered right now. Not after nearly killing y/n, and having me worry about recovering him." Four said.

You simply shrugged your shoulders. Then Four teleported you into your team's home. He had walk you over into your bedroom, making sure you were alright.

"Get some rest, you'll need it." Four said, then teleported out of your bedroom.

You were left alone in your bedroom. Your were tired and didn't feel like doing anything. So you went to sleep, hoping that you'd feel better in the morning.

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