𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 30; Alexander jumpscare!

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Sora glanced out into the sky, her eyes tracing the movement of the clouds as they drifted softly on the gentle breeze. Sunbeams pierced through the gaps between the clouds, creating a flicker of light and shadow on the landscape below.

The grip on her hand was steady, pressure was firm, a reassuring presence against the delicate skin of her wrist, where the blue, purple and green veins were visible. Warmth spread from the point of contact, seeping into her cold veins.

She stopped paying any attention to whatever the tutor was yapping about as soon as he uttered his first word and pulled out her own book. She swung her legs, letting the heels of her feet hit the bottom of her chair.

Moments after settling down, her eyes shot over towards the door, where soon after they slammed open and Alexander strode in wearing a bright smile, his skin shimmering in the seaping sun and his expression equally bright.

The tutor stumbled but quickly straightened himself and slowly bowed. Sora assumed he said something, probably greeting Alexander. What Sora did catch was Arjen voluntarily greeting Alexander. Acknowledging him.

"Hello, Alexander."

"Arjen!" Alexander's smile seemed to brighten, somehow. "It's nice to see you, it has been some time since our last meeting."

Sora half listened to their conversation and watched them out of the corner of her eye. Her chin rested comfortably against her palm and the soft wind coming from the window blew against her face, golden strength of hair brushed against her cheek and fluttered freely in the wind.

"I think that's enough studying for today," Arien's eyes perked up, "It's been a while. I wish to enjoy the sun with my siblings," Alexander said towards the tutor, who hastily nodded and hurried out.

Alexander gestured towards the door and smiled. "Shall we go?"

Sora begrudgingly allowed Arjen to drag her out of the room and followed Alexander outside.

Alexander hummed a soft tune as they walked. He lifted his head up into the sky and mused, "What a breeze...Don't you think it would be such a waste to study on a day like this?"

Arjen took in Alexander's side profile. The sunlight bathed Alexander's features in a warm glow, accentuating the sharp angles of his cheekbones and the strong line of his jaw. The light caught in his hair, casting a subtle shimmer, and highlighted the intense focus in his eyes, adding a touch of softness to his otherwise striking appearance.

"What is your real reason to take us out?" he asked simply.

"I wanted to thank Sora." Alexander's eyes softened as they rested on Sora. "The medicine you gave me was very helpful, so, thank you."

Sora glanced up briefly, her eyes cold and unfeeling, before they returned to stare at the pages of the book. "Um, yeah," she mumbled. Her shoulders shifted slightly. "It's nothing. A dead brother wasn't on my bucket list, this month."

"No, it wasn't nothing." Alexander's eyebrows furrowed slightly and gave her an expression earnestly. "My body was suffering and your medicine made a huge difference." He paused, trying to convey the depth of his gratitude. "I can't tell you how much it meant to me."

Sora's eyes flickered with a hint of annoyance. "Like I said, it was nothing. Don't make a big deal out of it," she snapped, her tone sharp. "I only did it because I didn't want Arjen nagging me." Sora rolled her eyes.

Alexander's face fell slightly, but he didn't give up. "I understand. You have no reason to trust me, but you still helped me afterwards. That's what matters."

She glanced up from her book and pursed her lips. "Whatever, weirdo."

Sora heard Alexander sigh softly before her attention drifted away, letting only Arjen's firm hold on her wrist keep her steady. She focused on the book in front of her and the lines and lines of scribbles she had written herself. She wasn't really interested in the conversation Alexander and her siblings started.

Arien was suddenly yelling? Yeah, her voice began to rise.

Her attention was soon pulled back when she felt a tug on her wrist and looked up from the pages of her book. Arjen was a mix of annoyed and disgusted, even though there wasn't a clear outward sign of the emotion.

Sora's eyes followed Arjen's gaze. She looked down and saw Alexander kneeling on the pavement in front of them.

'The hell..?'

Alexander was stuttering all of his words before soon enough Sora was dragged away by Arjen away from where Alexander knelt.

She glanced back and saw Alexander clutching his chest, his face contorted in pain. As he seemed to collapse, Niwe materialized from thin air and was at Alexander's side, catching his falling body.

Niwe lifted Alexander into his arms, cradling him in a secure bridal hold as if he weighed nothing at all.

Her heterochromia eyes, glinting with an otherworldly glow, locked onto his gaze, drawing him in. Niwe's eyes widened slightly under her scrutiny.

Sora hid her grin behind her book, the corners of her mouth curling upward in a mischievous smile. Her eyes, vivid red and the other a striking violet, narrowed with a cheeky gleam. Turning her back on the two men, she resumed following Arjen. However she glanced back over her shoulder.

Lowering the book just enough to reveal her grin, she caught their attention and flashed them a quick, playful smile. Her lips moved silently as she mouthed, "Check up on Foxy for me."

The grin lingered on her face before she turned fully and continued on her way, her steps light and carefree with Arjen leading her.

"Sooo, you know why Arien was yelling earlier?" Sora asked, glancing sideways with a curious tilt of her head. "She doesn't really do that."

Sora felt his thumb press deeper into her veins. "Just some things about The Emperor and the records," he replied, his eyes scanning the horizon of where Arien had strolled off in front of them.

"She's still caught up on that shit?"

Arjen hummed thoughtfully, his gaze drifting back to her. "You know how she is," he said, shrugging slightly.

Sora sighed, her shoulders slumping as she looked down at their intertwined hands. "Yeah. Fuck, you think she'll get over it?" she asked, kicking a small pebble on the ground. It hit one of the knights behind the knee. Sora smiled as he tripped.

"Probably," Arjen said. "It's not the first time she's dealt with these types of situations."

"Pfft. Daddy dearest sure got that covered for us," Sora muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Go back to reading your book, I liked it when you were quiet," Arjen admonished, but there was a hint of amusement in his tone. He gave her a gentle nudge with his shoulder, their connected hands swinging slightly between them as they continued walking.


short and shit


i really wanna hurry up and get to the more interesting chapters :(

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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