Meeting The Adams

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I have been feeling nervous since Jake's arrival an hour ago, and now it was even worse because Daniella just arrived with Jake's parents. Walking towards the garden where all the guests were to surprise the couple, I saw Jake taking me in with lust written all over his face.

Soph had packed for me a long blueish floral pattern wrap around dress, with white sandals and a blue demin jacket. I hadn't worn this dress in ages, but it was a perfect dress for today's dinner in the garden. It complimented the warm and chilly spring weather.

My jet black hair was in a messy bun on top of my head and I had applied a touch of mascara and lip gloss. To complete my look I wore a simple neck piece and hand crafted bangles.

 To complete my look I wore a simple neck piece and hand crafted bangles

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I didn't know a look could make me so warm and fuzzy as Jake's look always did. Even now in a garden filled with 35 people, his eyes were sorely fixed on me and me alone. I felt like even with five feet apart, his eyes were penetrating through my very soul. It felt like he knew me and could see everything I hid from everyone.

"Why do we have to go to the garden Daniella? I thought you said it was urgent that you talk with us?" A woman's voice boomed around coming from the house breaking the stare Jake had on me.

I walked into the garden and stood next to Soph and the two other guys we were working with in the kitchen. In what felt like hours of Jake's older sister Daniella explaining to her parents why it was important they talk in the garden, though I was sure it was no longer than few minutes, they walked through the door leading to the garden.

Her mother gasped and lightly pushed Daniella, as I looked at their dad I could bet my money on it that he knew about the surprise. What confirmed my suspicion was when he winked at Daniella and Jemma handed Jake what looked like a £20. I heard a sniffle from Soph and knew that the scene playing out in front of our eyes reminded her of her own family in Wales.

The Adams children gave their parents hugs and stepped away to allow them to make their way around their guests. When that was done with we were all led farther into the garden where a long table was beautifully decorated with simple flowers, light fixtures around the surrounding tress and candles. As we got seated the table was filled with chatters and laughter.

We had prepared so many dishes, mostly the couples favourite foods and also made sure to include some vegan dishes. The food was full of different European cuisines and so far everyone hadn't complained. As promised Jake had cooked the spaghetti bolognese I had burned for the kids.

"This fish pie reminds me of my mum's cooking." Someone from my far left stated.

Jake's menu wasn't too classy, it consisted of dishes one would prepare for their families at home. As he talked me through it last night over the phone, he talked of how some of the dishes were dishes his parents enjoyed back in Australia before they moved.

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