Chapter 12

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"So," Uraraka said, plopping down in the seat next to Ashido. The group had moved tables, just like I said we'd need to. Instead of a smaller circular table, we were at a long rectangular one that could fit all nine of us. On one side sat Todoroki, Sero, Kaminari, Ashido, and Uraraka, the other was Eijirou, Katsuki, me, and Shinsou. "What're we doing after school?" 

"Band practice," Kaminari answered with a frown, poking his fork at the food in front of him. He had a habit of pretending to hate practice, but he was always the first to suggest that they needed more. 

Uraraka's gaze shifted to me, not accepting the answer. "What are we doing after school?" she asked again. I had been dreading that exact question all day. 

I knew the brunette better than anyone, probably, and I knew that she was already restless. The girl needed a regular schedule of partying and rule-breaking to survive. It was like oxygen to her. 

"I'm doing homework in Katsuki's room while they practice," I answered, eyeing her skeptically as I waited for the other shoe to drop. 

She sagged in her chair with a groan. "Fine, I'll just kill myself then." 

"And I suddenly understand where you get it from," Kaminari mused, pointing his fork at me with a teasing smile. 

"No, no, no," I said quickly, shaking my head. "She gets it from me." 

"Oh, look at that!" Uraraka exclaimed, drawing our attention back to her pouting. "I stopped caring five minutes ago. I'm party-starved, Izuku. I'm withering away!" 

"It's a Tuesday," I deadpanned. I had been doing remarkably well all year at sticking to a weekend-only schedule. Somehow, I had actually managed to clean my act up a little and I really didn't want all that effort to go to waste just because Uraraka was around. 

"A Tuesday we could spend at a party!" 

Eijirou let out a chuckle at her antics. "You two really weren't kidding," he said, looking between Shinsou and me, remembering our conversation in detention. It was a lie when we said she was the worst influence. 

The tired-looking teen waved his hand in Uraraka's direction. "Why would I lie about this? She's been making my life a fucking nightmare since ninth grade." 

The brunette across the table stuck her tongue out at him. "If by nightmare you mean fun, exciting, and ever-changing, then yes. That's exactly what I did." 

"Can't you just wait for Friday? I am trying to graduate this year," I told her, resting my elbows on the table in front of me. I knew it was pointless to argue with her, but I had to at least try. 

"You're a straight A student, you'll be fine!" 

"It's still a Tuesday, Ura." 

"When has that ever mattered to us in the history of ever?" She was glaring me down, not ready to give up on trying yet. Back home, it hadn't mattered. We were sneaking out and doing dumb shit every day of the week, regardless of school, but I was trying to turn a new leaf. Some shit like that. 

Thank god for Mina Ashido and her willingness to put up with Uraraka. "Sweetie, you guys just got here. How about we just wait for Friday?" She tucked a strand of brunette hair behind the other girl's ear in a sweet gesture. 

"Mm," Uraraka hummed as she pretended to think about it. "How 'bout no? Izuku just needs to pull his head out of his ass and remember how to have fun." 

I saw Shinsou shake his head from the corner of my eyes as I stared her down. "You did not just say that," he complained. 

"But it works every time," Uraraka said with a wink towards him. 

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