Chapter 26

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"Distract me," I said once Hitoshi, Eijirou, Katsuki, and I were all back in the safety of the redhead's bedroom. None of us wanted to run the risk of hanging out in the blond's room and my mom or dad seeing us through the window. Even if my mom knew exactly where I would be, I'd feel better if I didn't come face-to-face with her. I wasn't sure I could handle it. 

"Easy," Katsuki said with his teasing smirk, hoisting me into his arms and tossing me onto the bed. 

I gasped as I landed with a bounce, having been caught off guard. That was definitely not what I had meant. Honestly, it wasn't. 

"We're cool with each other, but not that cool," Hitoshi spoke up, his tired eyes flicking between Katsuki and me. 

Katsuki descended on me in a second, caging me between his body and the bed. "You're free to leave at any time, eye bags," he said, not taking his eyes off of me. Oh god, he's actually serious about this

Before he could pounce, Eijirou grabbed the hood of his sweatshirt and yanked him off of me. He choked slightly as he was tossed to the end of the bed. Ha, Eijirou was his payback for all those times Katsuki had done the same thing to me. "Boundaries, Kats. We talked about this," he said with a tired sigh, seating himself next to me. 

"He's been attached to the purple freak for a week, can you blame me?" Katsuki snapped, still lying where Eijirou had tossed him, only picking his head up to yell at him. 

Eijirou scoffed, leaning back against his pillow. "Yeah, because you've been celibate the whole time." 

"Remember those boundaries you just brought up?" Hitoshi asked, a look of disgust washing over him. "If it doesn't involve Iz, don't mention it. Please, for the love of god-" 

"Get over yourself," Katsuki huffed, his head dropping back to the mattress. 

I couldn't help the laugh that escaped at the three of them, causing all focus to shift to me. I held a hand up, needing a second to catch my breath. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," a deep inhale, "this just isn't what I meant when I asked for a distraction. It's working though." 

Eijirou gave a small shake of his head, a satisfied smile forming on his lips. "Glad you're enjoying watching these two be idiots." 

"Hey!" Hitoshi and Katsuki exclaimed at the same time, causing them to shoot each other glares. 

I fell into another fit of laughter. If they weren't both in love with me, they'd probably be best friends,  not that either of them would ever admit it. 


As the evening drug on, Katsuki abandoned us for the kitchen, grumbling something about needing to keep us all fed. I had been spot on all those months ago when I said his love language was cooking. It made my stomach do flips that he was extending it to Hitoshi now. 

All three of them were finally starting to get along. The fighting had ceased, nothing worse than small spats ever seemed to happen. We were all settling into a peaceful medium. I, quite literally, could not have been happier. 

A loud crash was heard from downstairs, making Eijirou frown. "I gotta go make sure he's not throwing shit, be right back," he said, kissing my temple before exiting the room. 

I was left with just Hitoshi and I planned to use the opportunity. There was something I had been thinking about the past few days and he needed to know. 

"Hey, Toshi?" I asked, my voice hesitant as I spoke up. 

He could instantly sense my unease, grabbing my hand in a firm grip. "What's up, Iz?" 

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