Chapter 35

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I was promptly woken up twenty minutes later when Uraraka barged into my room, opening my door so aggressively that it slammed into the wall behind it. I sat bolt upright, my half-asleep mind not catching up fast enough as my eyes darted around the room for any sign of a threat. 

"He just fell asleep!" Eijirou cried from his spot on the floor. He hadn't moved since the game of go fish. 

"Oh," Uraraka said with a frown as she looked over at me. 

I just let my head drop back to Katsuki's chest, his arms tightening around me. "Go away," I grumbled, my eyes already closed. 

"Well, he's awake now," Ashido's voice met my ears and I almost cried. How many of them were there? "Might as well stay." 

"Go. Away." I bit out, burying my face into Katsuki's shirt. 

"No," Uraraka said stubbornly. "You need enrichment time in your enclosure." 

I heard Kaminari's laugh and wanted to die. Had everyone come with? 

"Tell them to go away," I pleaded to Katsuki. I knew they weren't going to listen to me, I was going through detox and therefore didn't have a vote, but the angry blond could get them to leave. If he wanted to. 

"Are you gonna sleep if they leave?" he asked in a hushed voice, right next to my ear. 

It made me shiver. "No, I'm up now," I complained, starting to draw random shapes into his chest. 

"Then they can stay," he said, just loud enough for everyone to hear, resulting in a small cheer. 

"No, they can't," I said, my teeth clenching as my anger came back in full force. It was getting really fucking aggravating that none of them would listen to me. 

"Why not?" Eijirou asked because he seemed to really love pushing my buttons that day. 

I sat back up, needing to be able to move for the rant I was about to go on. I pointed straight at Kaminari, who held his hands up in surrender. "I beat the shit out of him, I tried to take a chunk out of your arm, and broke Hitoshi's heart," I fumed, looking over at the redhead next. "Do you seriously not fucking understand why I don't want more people in this room than absolutely necessary?" 

"So, he's in the angry stage of recovery," Uraraka mused, taking a seat on Hitoshi's bed. "Got it." 

"Shut the fuck up," I snapped at her. 

Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero were all staring at me like I'd grown a second head. It wasn't surprising, since they had never seen what I looked like after a bender. Still pissed me off. 

"Keep staring at me and I'll start breaking noses," I threatened, not enjoying the feeling of being examined under a microscope. If they couldn't handle my attitude, then they should fucking leave

Kaminari's hand instantly went to his face while he winced. He was probably remember our fight in the school hallway. Good. 

"I actually enjoy this part," Todoroki said, a faintly amused smile on his lips as he watched me. 

My glare zeroed in on him. "Masochistic bitch." 

"No," Todoroki correctly in a slow and clear voice. He was being patronizing because he knew it would just make me more pissed off. "You just can't hurt me any more than my father already has. We've been over this, Dori." 

"What the fuck?" Sero whispered, completely lost. 

"Ignore them," Hitoshi said with a sigh. "Todoroki likes riling him up and seeing how far he'll go. Does it every fucking time." He sounded fed up with Todoroki's bullshit and I couldn't agree more. 

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