Chapter 51

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"Is he gentle with you, too? Or was that just with me?"

My stomach churned and I was convinced that I would throw up at any moment, staining the tile beneath me. Somehow I managed to choke it down, pushing through the crowd to get back to the beer pong table. Words still eluded me, all I could do was grab Todoroki's sleeve. I tried to pull him to the front door, but there were too many bodies for me to weave through.

"Dori? What's up?"

I hardly registered Todoroki's voice, only thinking of how to get out. The music was too loud, the room too hot, the floor too crowded, and I couldn't handle it.

"Izuku?" Todoroki asked again, but the blood was loud in my ears, drowning him out.

"Iz? Love, what's wrong?"

I stepped away, brushing shoulders with Todoroki. I looked up at him, "I wanna leave." The plea was quiet and my scratchy throat caused my voice to crack. I wasn't sure if he'd even be able to hear me.

"C'mon," the dual-haired boy said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me through the crowded dance floor. He didn't bother with finding openings to squeeze through, just pushed past people without an apology.

We made it to fresh air in a handful of seconds and I found it a little easier to breathe.

"What's wrong, Iz?" Hitoshi asked, grabbing my free hand and trying to lock our fingers together.

I pulled away, taking a step closer to Todoroki. "I wanna go home." I could feel their eyes on me and it was causing an itch to form.

"What happened?" Hitoshi's voice was soft and remarkably clear for how drunk I knew he had to be.

I didn't have a reason to hide what had happened. "Monoma talked to me in the kitchen."

"What'd the little fucker say this time?" Todoroki asked, his voice taking on a hard edge I rarely heard. Substances always managed to peel back a layer or two of his emotionless mask.

I looked up at the other boy, blinking a few times to try and fend off my tears. It was probably useless, but I still felt the need to try. "Did you know Hitoshi slept with him after I moved?"


"He what?"

"That makes me feel a little better, actually," I mumbled, wrapping my arms around my middle and watching the grass in front of my sway. It felt like I needed to physically hold myself together or I'd break into a million different pieces upon it. At least he hadn't flaunted Monoma around like a show pony.

"Oh my god," Todoroki said in an almost whisper. There was nothing but disbelief in his voice. "Dude, that's so fucked up."

If I didn't feel like I was being gutted from the inside, I would have commented on his use of dude. Sero must have really been rubbing off on him.

"Izuku, please. I'm sorry-"

"Oh." The sound left me and cut Hitoshi off without my permission. It was like it was ripped from my lips. "You're not even gonna deny it."

"So, we're leaving," Todoroki said, grabbing my shoulder and roughly pulling me toward the street. We had all walked to the party, so any of us could leave whenever. I stumbled slightly, but he helped me regain my footing.

"We weren't together," Hitoshi called, stopping us before we'd even taken two steps. "It was after you broke up with me and left."

"I don't care that you slept with someone while we were broken up," I said, my hands pressing against my forehead as I turned to face him. "I care that it was him."

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