Chapter 17

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On Sunday, Uraraka and I both begged Todoroki to let us stay a few extra days. I was in no rush to return to reality and she just wanted to spend more time with her parents. In the end, the other boy put his foot down and we left right on schedule. Uraraka perked up the first few minutes of the drive, her disappointment replaced by excitement to see her girlfriend again. I had the exact opposite awaiting me. 

There was school I was trying not to skip, where I would be forced to see my exes. I knew I probably wouldn't see Eijirou, but I didn't think Katsuki would risk the phone call to his mother if he skipped our first class. Of course, the blond was the one I was worried about. The last thing I wanted was to get screamed at in Mr. Aizawa's class.

"We can skip again if you want," Shinsou offered as we trudged toward the school building on Monday morning. We could have gotten a ride with Todoroki and Uraraka, but I actually enjoyed walking to school. It was a nice few-minute stretch where I could mentally prepare myself for the day that lay ahead. 

"I'm trying to pull my life together, remember?" I asked, barely sparing him a glance. "That doesn't stop just because some stupid fucking boys broke my heart." I heard his quiet laughter beside me and rolled my eyes. 

"Glad to see you're dealing with it in a healthy way." 

"I could just relapse on coke again if you'd prefer," I snapped, not in the mood for his banter. Every step forward was another step closer to my doom. I wasn't even sure if I'd make it through the whole school day before I had to bail. At least I had practice now, being ostracized by the whole group, and my own friends to help me through it. I wouldn't have to sit alone at lunch and it made me relax a fraction. 

"I was being sincere, Iz," he said with a sigh, knocking our shoulders together as we walked, our school coming into view. 

I took a deep breath at the sight, trying to calm my racing heart down. It would be the first time I saw Eijirou or Katsuki since the fight. My hands were starting to tremble at the thought. "Maybe we should just skip." 

"Too late," Shinsou said with a shrug, grabbing onto my shoulders from behind and pushing me toward my fate. 

"I hate you, do you know that?" I asked with minimal effort to resist him. It was just something I had to do, rip off the bandaid or some shit. Once I got over the initial sighting, everything would be easier from there. At least, that's what I kept telling myself. 

"Mido, dude! Where have you been?" Kaminari's voice was a wake-up call that I had been dreading. I vividly remember what had happened the last time the boys and I had broken up and I wasn't looking forward to the sequel. 

Kaminari, Ashido, and Sero stood in the parking lot just like every morning. They were waiting for Eijirou, Katsuki, and evidentially me. "Why didn't you get a ride with the boys?" Ashido asked, her worried eyes shifting from me to Shinsou and back again. 

"They didn't tell you?" I asked, trying to mask my surprise. Why had they kept it from our friends? Did our relationship mean so little to them that they just couldn't be bothered? 

You know that's not true, a nagging voice in the back of my mind whispered, but I chose to ignore it. Moving on was easier when I pretended they never cared about me in the first place. 

"Tell us what?" Kaminari asked, his bright smile dropping and being replaced by an uneasy frown. 

"We broke up." 

"Again?!" the blond cried in surprise, holding onto Ashido's shoulder to steady himself from the apparent world-altering news. 

I watched as the gears in Ashido's head started to turn. It was almost as if she had expected this to happen again at some point and already had a plan of action. "What happened this time?" she asked, patronizingly patting the distraught blond's arm. 

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