Chapter 52

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Surprise, surprise, I woke up hungover as fuck the next day. Everything was still spinning slightly and my stomach was tied in knots that kept doing back flips for fun. I knew right away that it wasn't going to be a good day, even if I could calm the sick feeling. 

"Morning, Dori." 

I groaned in reply, talking was just too much work. My neck was stiff from the way I had slept and rolling over to face Todoroki took a tremendous amount of effort. 

"Advil," he said, just as something hit me right in the chest. From the jingling noise it made, I knew it was the medicine he had promised. 

I didn't sit up, somehow managing to pop the cap off and shake out two of the little pills. I knocked them back without any water, needing them to kick in as fast as possible. "Thanks," I croaked, the word dry and shaky. 

My eyes traveled around the living room. Todoroki was leaning back against the arm of the adjacent couch and Hitoshi was sitting in the armchair. He was awake, but wouldn't look at me. 

It hadn't been a dream then. Wonderful, add it to the ever-growing list of shitty things in my life.

I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket, ignoring my surprise that it had managed to stay there all night. I couldn't deal with the awkward silence that had enveloped the room and needed something to take my mind off of it.  

I didn't have many notifications, a few texts in my group chat with Ei and Kats, and then a message from my mom. 


Hope you're having fun with your friends

Love you <3

I read the message twice before releasing a sigh. I still hadn't talked to her since everything happened with my dad. Knowing that she'd finally stood up to him and kicked him out for good had changed things though. I decided to try and reconcile when I got back. 


Love you too

It was the best I could do for now, but it was something. I moved on to the group messages. 


Text us when you wake up :)


Tell half and half to lay off the tequila next time

That advice also applies to you

Especially when I'm not around to carry you

Or beat up people who are trying to roofie you

Ya know what just don't drink without me around next time



My love

Are you ramble texting? 


Shut up

My hangover wasn't enough to stop the smile from forming on my lips at their texts. I couldn't help it, I was just so stupidly in love with them. 

I sent them a quick good morning message before setting my phone down on the couch cushion and turning to Todoroki. "Kacchan says to lay off the tequila." 

Todoroki's eyes flashed to mine from over his phone. "It was one drink, I wasn't even that drunk." 

I raised a brow at him, shifting my arm under my head to prop it up. "You called me your spirit brother again." 

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