Chapter 19

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"And he's out cold," Uraraka mused, poking at Izuku's forehead. The passed-out boy had no reaction to the touch. 

Ashido had just finished Kirishima's newest tattoo and I found myself only mildly irritated by how little reaction he had during the process. "Perfect timing," I said looking between the redhead and blond that Izuku was so fucking hung up on. "I have to talk to you two." 

To no one's surprise, Bakugou instantly sneered at me. "What the fuck would we ever need to talk about?" he snapped, but I noted that he wasn't nearly as loud as he normally was around me. Even though he could barely look at Izuku, he was still being considerate of him. 

I raised one of my eyebrows at him, not taking the bait. Having a fistfight wasn't on my list of things to do that day. "We can have this conversation in a room full of people or we can go somewhere else, up to you two." 

Honestly, I wasn't sure what I was even doing. The boy I'd been in love with for most of my life finally seemed like the feeling might be mutual, and I was going to try to rationalize with his exes. All the weed must have finally been getting to me. 

But I meant it when I said I never wanted them to break up. I knew they made Izuku happy and it was a punch to the gut every time I had to see him cry over their relationship. I had killed someone, but the thought of keeping Izuku to myself when I knew that wasn't what he wanted... I wasn't sure it was something I could live with. My goal, from the beginning, was never to break them up. If Izuku could love two people at the same time, why not three? 

"Better yet," Ashido cut in, looking between her two friends in a warning. I didn't blame her, it looked like they were both ready to jump me in the middle of her room. "We'll leave and you three can just have your little pissing match here. Don't break any of my shit," she hissed at all three of us as she stood. 

"Mina, how am I supposed to leave?" Uraraka asked in a quiet voice, obviously trying to not wake the sleeping teen on her shoulder. 

I rolled my eyes at her. After all these years, she was still worried about that. "Ura, he's stoned. You could drop him right now and he'd stay asleep," I reminded her. Just to prove a point, I grabbed his upper arm and pulled him off her. His head lulled toward me, but other than that there was no reaction. 

"Oh, yeah, duh," she said, lightly smacking her palm against her forehead. 

I kept my grip on him, knowing that if I didn't, he'd fall to the floor like a brick. Somehow, I was able to get to my feet without letting go, scooping him into my arms and placing him on the bed that Todoroki and the other two had abandoned. 

"Well, we'll be downstairs," Ashido said testily. "If I hear any yelling, I'm calling the cops." 

"No, you're fucking not," Bakugou said to her, now on his feet as well, his arms crossed over his chest. 

She pointed one, accusing finger at him. "Don't test me, Katsuki Bakugou." 

The threat was empty, even I knew that. There was too much incriminating shit in her room for her to even consider calling the cops. 

She shut the door behind her, the sound of it clicking closed hung in the air between all of us. I wasn't sure what to say, not thinking I would get this far. Sure, I could be a persistent ass, but I genuinely didn't think I'd ever get Kirishima and Bakugou to listen to me. 

"Well?" Kirishima prodded, already sounding bored with the conversation that hadn't started yet. He was leaning back against Ashido's desk, his hands resting on either side of him. 

Fuck, I have to actually say something now. 

I dragged a hand down my face, using it to stall as I tried to think of what to say. "Look, I don't know why you guys broke up, but-" 

Violet EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora