Chapter 16

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ok don't be that proud weirdos, i'm stoned again. 

Being back home was awesome. It was shitty that it wasn't my home, but Uraraka's was the next best thing I suppose. 

We had this adorable little birthday dinner with her parents on Saturday, our first official day there. It was immediately followed by a house party. Not Uraraka's, obviously, but it was still her idea to go. I wasn't even sure how she found out about it. 

I vaguely recognized the house we walked to (Todoroki refused to be the sober cab, but wouldn't let anyone else drive his car), but I didn't know the owners. Our hometown was more of a home city. I didn't know half the kids in my grade. 

"And everyone's already staring at us," I pointed out as soon as we passed the threshold. It seemed like everyone in the house was throwing glances our way, a range of emotions on their faces, everything from shock to disgust to fear. Fan-fucking-tastic. 

Shinsou did one sweep of the living room before turning away. "I'm officially too sober for this." 

"I think the kitchen's this way." I was already taking a step before I'd finished my sentence. It was physically impossible for me to agree with him any more at that moment. 

"Why did we have to come to this?" Todoroki asked once we had safely made it to the kitchen. I handed him a plastic cup filled with cheap beer, the only thing the party seemed to offer. 

Uraraka frowned at the question, taking a long drink from her own cup. "I thought it'd be more fun." 

"And how's that hope holding up?" Shinsou asked before downing the rest of his cup, refilling it immediately after. 

I narrowed my eyes at him, noticing his behavior was off. He looked nervous like he was waiting for some sort of disaster to happen. I was getting anxious just watching him. 

"I miss my girlfriend," was her only reply, a small pout forming on her lips as she stared down at her cup. 

I snorted into my own, narrowly avoiding booze spraying from my nose. "Cannot relate." 

"I'm your girlfriend," she said back, her pouting becoming even more prominent as she turned her accusing glare to me. 

I raised a brow. "Wanna make out in a dark hallway later?" 

She hummed, thinking my proposal over. "Not particularly." 

"This is why I don't miss my girlfriend," I said to Shinsou, waving my hand wildly towards her. 

He shook his head at our bickering, a faint smile on his lips that he tried to hide behind his cup. "I think you need a new one." 

I waved him off, taking a big gulp of my drink before responding. "You can fill out an application later." 

I watched in delight as Uraraka laughed mid-drink, causing beer to run down her chin as she frantically tried to dry it with a sleeve. "Spitters are quitters, Ura." 

Uraraka looked at me, unamused. "First off, I'm a lesbian. Second," she turned her eyes to Shinsou, "is Izuku a quitter?" 

The insomniac choked on his beer as I nearly fell over from the abruptness of my laughter. I didn't know what I was expecting her comeback to be, but it wasn't that. 

Shinsou fell into a coughing fit and Uraraka realized she wasn't going to get an answer. With an annoyed groan, she turned back to me. "I wanna dance." 

I faked a wince, hopping onto the counter behind me. "I'm going through a really hard break up, rain check?" It was technically a joke, a flippant remark about a relationship I didn't care about anymore. Bringing it up still put a damper on my mood though, and suddenly I really didn't feel like dancing. 

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