Chapter Twenty One

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A/N This is just what I imagen Akari to look like, you can imagen her however you want. Just don't forget she has red tipped hair that looks like fire. I just couldn't fine a way to add it. Enjoy the story! :)





Finally after what seemed to be forever it was now the weekend. Sophie and I had talked a lot about the twins going over and to say she was excited to meet them would be an understatement. We both were really excited for this.

Waking up I got up and went to take a shower before they came. I then got dressed in jean shorts and a comfortable short sleeved white shirt that I tucked in. I also had my black heeled boots on. Walking out of the bathroom I saw my mask on the nightstand by my side of the bed. I only ever take it off when I sleep and eat. I then walk over to the door and make my way downstairs. Leaving my mask there and deciding to leave it off for the first time since I've gotten it.

When I got to the kitchen I found Gredy already there at the table reading something and eating what looked like a colorful pie.

What in the world is that? I'm never gonna get used to the weird foods they have am I?

"Hey kiddo, you ready for your friends to come over?" Grady asked, still looking at his whatever that is.

I would have nodded but he wasn't even looking at me so he wouldn't even see it. So instead I just walked over to the fridge and grabbed a juice from it. I don't know what they're called but they're really good.

Not getting a reply, Grady looked up at me to see if I had been trying to show him my notebook. Only to find me closing the fringe with my foot and turning around with a lushberry juice in my hand. He then just stared at me with shock all over his face.

I looked over seeing as it got really quiet all of a sudden and I could no longer hear him turning the page or the sound of his silverware. Only to find him staring at me with so much shock that I think he might go into cardiac arrest. I tilt my head at him as if asking what the matter is. He just continues staring. It isn't until Edaline comes into the kitchen that he stamps out of it and shakes his head a bit.

"Sorry about that Akari, didn't mean to stare at you like that. I'm just not used to you walking around without your mask on. You look good without it." He finally explained after Edaline asked what was wrong. As soon as he finishes saying that she whips her head around to look at me, eyes wide and shock all over her face. Oh not again! Come on! It's not that weird!

She snaps out of it a lot sooner than Grady had and just goes to the fridge to start making breakfast. I'm not that hungry so I wave Grady off and walk back upstairs to wake Sophie up. I remember her saying that she wanted to meet the twins before she went to hangout with the Vakers. Something about them inviting her over. I didn't really know what had happened other than the fact that their daughter had been being rude to Sophie since we got here but out of nowhere asked her to come over so they could be friends.

After waking her up I headed back down at the best moment because as soon as my foot stepped down the last step there was a knock on the door. Excited, I ran to the door and opened it up to see the most gorgeous girl in the world. She had black hair with silver tips and clear white skin with soft cheeks. Her eyes were a silvery blue that reminded me a lot of the stars in the sky. She was in this really cute yellow sundress with daisies on it. And behind her was a boy with the same eyes and black hair and silver tips. The only difference was that he was wearing all black.

I smiled at the two and moved out of the way so they could come in. They both came in after looking around for a second. Just then Sophie comes down and walks over to me. She hugs me from behind and buries her head in the crook of my neck which makes me giggle a bit.

She froze. Did you just make a sound? She sent to my head. I giggle more and nod to her. Yup! Found out when I giggle I can make sounds, it's not a lot but enough that you can hear me! She was quiet for a second after she heard my response. Then out of nowhere she screams and starts to shake my shoulders like crazy all with the biggest smile on her face.

"Oh my gosh!! You can make sounds!! I never thought I would be able to hear you laugh!! AHH!!!" She was screaming so much that both Grady and Edaline came running in with fear on their faces.

"What happened!? Why are you screaming!?" They both yelled at Sophie. Poor Linh and Tam were so confused about what was happening. Not wanting to interrupt but also not wanting to just sit there.

"Akari just made a sound! She can be heard when she giggles!!" Sophie screams back, still shaking me and jumping around. You could clearly see that she was really excited.

This really confused the twins. What do they mean she just made a sound? Couldn't they always make sounds when they talked? Of course they have only heard her giggle a few times but couldn't she always be heard? Both siblings had thought looking at each other confused.

Both adults immediately started celebrating and pulling both Sophie and I into a hug. All while this was happening I was still giggling and smiling like crazy. When Grady and Edaline heard it they started to get teary eyed. They were really happy for me.

After a few minutes they all calm down and finally enlarge the two siblings in the doorway that looked really confused.

"Sorry about that, you two. We just have never seen or heard Akari make any type of sound before with her being mute and got carried away. My name is Grady by the way and this is my wife Edaline." Grady Said from next to me. Edaline was still hugging me with a small smile on her face.

"It's all good! We didn't know she was mute, but that makes since now that I think about it. My name is Linh Song and this is my twin Tam Song. Thank you so much for letting us come over!" Both looked a lot more comfortable now that they knew what was going on.

"It's really nice to meet you guys! I'm Sophie, Akari's twin! I know we don't look like it but we are twins, just not identical." Sophie said, explaining when she saw the look in their eyes.

"It's nice to meet you too! Akari has told us a lot about you!" Linh responded with a smile on her face.

And with that we all went to the living room and started to talk and get to know each other more. I had ran and grabbed my notebook so I could communicate better. And soon Sophie had to go to meet up with the Vakers.

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