Chapter Twenty Eight

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A/N Sorry for the long wait! I was trying to figure out how to write this chapter, hope you like it! Also, let me know what chapter you guys want next for the behind-the-scenes. 





Within the next few weeks, the atmosphere at the house was really tense. Sophie had a small reaction to some weird liquid that I don't remember the name of. And since then both Grady and Edaline have kinda been evading us? I don't really know. I was with the twins when it all happened.

But that's not even the weirdest part. We now have this fire bird so that's really cool. But back to the topic, they have been really strict with us recently. Like I'm not allowed to go anywhere but to school and back. It was this whole thing when I brought up my ability training.

It took me three hours of arguing with my notebook to get them to finally allow me to go to practice. And let's just say when I told Fintan this, he was not very happy about it. So yea it's been a fun few weeks.

I'm now sitting under the tree with the twins explaining what my life has become in the last several days since I last talked to them. It was really weird to talk after years of not saying anything, but the staff here have been really nice and have been helping me with speech therapy. The entire school has been doing so much better recently, after we got a lot of different materials like better tents and food. And the staff was so happy about it they got rid of the silence rule. They now encourage all of us to talk and make friends with who we're going to school with.

It's honestly really nice to be able to look around and actually see faces and hear others talking to their friends they've made. Not too long ago we added a new kid to our group. He was really shy at first but over the next few days he had gotten convertible enough to actually talk and hang out with us. And after a lot of pestering from all three of us we finally got him to take his hood down.

He had fluffy brown hair, don't ast how I know it's fluffy, tanner skin then Tam, Lihn, and I combined, and the prettiest azul eyes I have ever seen.

At first when we asked his name he told us to just call him R. Weird but it works. He's been really kind to our entire little group. I would go as far as to say we all feel comfortable with him around. Even Tam has said that he enjoys his company. He ended up threatening us if we ever told anyone.

Soon school was over and we were allowed to go home. I gave everyone a hug goodbye with R being really stiff when I gave him his, but we don't want to get into that.

I then pulled my leap wand thing and made my way to Fintan's place for fire practice. When I glittered into view I started walking over to Fintan who was in his garden. He has this really weird obsession with these flowers he's growing, but it's understandable because they are really pretty.

It wasn't long before he noticed me and motioned for me to come over to him. Not wanting to keep him waiting I walked over to him.

"How have you been doing? Is it still pretty tense at home?" Was his first question. I had been talking to him about almost everything going on in my life for a while now. It's always nice because he actually listens to me and asks questions making sure I'm doing alright.

"Ye-yeah I'm doing alright.. It.. It's still the same.." He, just like my school, has been helping with my speech.

"That's good, you're doing really well with your speech. Even if it's only small sentences. It's still good progress compared to what it was a few weeks ago." "Tha... Thank y-you.." It was still a bit painful to say some things but it's whatever.

We talked for a bit longer then he led me over to the open field not far from his house. It was really pretty here. He then started explaining how our emotions affect our abilities and how depending on the emotion it could make the ability stronger.

He wanted to see how my anger affected my fire so he told me to think of several things that really piss me off. And the first thing I think of is that stupid Ritz Cracker who thinks he can have my sister's heart. Jk I had my mind focused on many other things that would take way too long to explain.

Within seconds everything within a ten foot radius was just strat fire. Blue fire to be exact. We found out that my fire doesn't like to be held back.

"Good job, now concentrate on that fire and build it up." And so I did. I thought of the fire, everything about it. The heat, the color, the power. And soon the fire expanded another ten feet. Only getting hotter the more I focused.

"Ok, I think that's enough. If you go any further you are going to lose control." I could barely hear him through the crackle of the fire. But based on what I did hear, I started to rain the fire back in.

It took a few minutes but soon the fire was nothing but ach of the memories the fire brought. We then started talking about how my anger made my fire stronger than my happiness did last time. We had only been talking for about five minutes when out of nowhere several council members showed up with like five emesaries.

They all surrounded the two of us and pointed these white gun looking things? At Fintan, while all this was going on one of the council members grabbed me and brought me away from all that was going on before running to help the others.

"Fintan Pyren you are under arrest for the attempted murder of an entire species." The speaker for the council Emery said.

"What are you talking about? I have been doing nothing but follow your orders to stay here and teach Akari how to control her ability. No, I haven't left or started a fire anywhere." Fintan sounded pretty upset that they would accuse him like this.

"We can't take any more chances. Especially with what happened at Heavenfield a few moments ago.

"What? What happened at heavenfield?" As soon as they had started talking about my house I was fully listening to every little thing they were saying.

"Sophie Elisabeth Foster and Dexter Alvin Dizznee have gone missing." As soon as those words left this man's lips Fintan immediately had his eyes on me. Like he could feel the shift in the temperature around us all. Which I wouldn't be surprised about seeing as it was a huge shift.

All eyes were on me and it was not helping with all the thoughts going around my head.

Then it all went quiet.

Like the calm before the storm.

And then it all went to hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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