Chapter Twenty Three

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A/N Good news! My computer is working again! Lets hope it stays like that XD





I woke up the next morning really excited for today. Looking over at the other side of the bed, I notice Sophie is still sleeping. I go to grab my phone but then remember that Soph had given it to Dex a while back saying he was going to make it solar powered. So I just got up and went to the bathroom to get ready.

After I showered I got dressed in my jean shorts and a short sleeved black shirt. I then went over to our walk-in closet to our vanity that we share. I dried my hair and I was about to start on my hair when I remembered my mirror friend.

So I grabbed my hair stuff along with my make-up I have and quietly ran to the room on the second floor. Once I got there I looked around the room to make sure no one was there and when I saw no one I walked over to the mirror.

"Well look who came back. How are you doing, my lovely two eyed friend?" She said, appearing in the mirror on the top left corner. I smiled at her and held up the stuff in my hands and she immediately squealed and started to direct me into how to do my hair and make-up.

When she was done my hair was tied in the back like a princess with the rest of my hair falling in soft curls. I looked really pretty especially because the curls really helped bring out the red at the end of my hair. It really looked like it was on fire. I loved it.

She then started to explain how to do my make-up and we ended up doing a more natural look with a nice brown eyeshadow and winged eyeliner with sparkles to help make my eyes pop. I also had mascara on and a bit of lipstick with gloss. I really looked like a princess just in modern clothes.

Threw this whole thing she was complimenting my eyes and how well my hair looked when dyed. It made me feel really good about myself because I don't really get a lot of compliments unless it's from Soph or Linh who always find a way to make me blush with the things they say. I swear it's like their favorite thing to tease me about.

If I had been paying attention to what was going on around me and not just my mirror friend then I might have noticed Edaline watching me interact with the mirror and the tears that were falling down her face.

When I was done we talked for a bit then I waved and quietly ran back up to our room trying my best not to wake the adults up. When I got there I found Sophie getting dressed in her uniform. Luckily I was allowed to wear whatever I wanted and not that stupid cape. I walk past her and to my side of the bed to put my boots on. I then see my mask and stare at it trying to see if I should wear it or not.

I don't get to choose because Sophie comes over and spins me around and looks me up and down with a big smile on her face. I just tilted my head at her making her facepalm.

"You look really pretty Aki! I love how your hair looks like fire when curled. It really makes you look more mature." Hearing that I smiled and hugged her.

"Thank you! I was trying out something new and I really fell in love with it! Does it look like too much though? I don't want to make it look like I'm trying to be cocky.." I signed, trying to see what she really thought.

"I really like it! And no it does not look like too much! You look really good!" Was all she could get out before Grady came in telling us we had to go if we wanted to be there on time.

We all walked up to the fourth floor and to the leap master and we soon whisked away to Foxfire.

When we re-appeared we were in a big field with purple grass and a huge pyramid made of glass surrounded by six big towers was right in front of us. It was covered in glowing fungus and silver streamers and many other things indicating the celebration.

As we walked in both Grady and Edaline walked off to Sophie's first meeting not wanting to be in the big crowds. Sophie decided to drop me off at the healing center then go meet up with her friends. She was going to stay originally but I told her to go have fun.

Finally getting the courage to open the door I walk in to see three rooms. The one to my left was an office and the one on my right looked like a lab of some sort. Then there was a big space in the middle with beds lined along the wall and a lot of shelves holding many bottles that reminded me of Dex's shop his family owned.

"Well look who it is! It's the other Foster twin! How are you?" Looking back into the office I see the guy from when I first came to the lost cities. Of course I only really remembered his face and nothing else but that's besides the point!

I smiled at him trying to show that I was doing good and nodded at him to show I was asking him the same thing.

"Heh, I've been good. Why don't we have you come sit on one of the beds so I can see how your cells are doing?" Elwin says as he leads me over to one of the beds in the middle.

After I got configurable he started flashing a bunch of lights all around me. They were really pretty. He even explained what each of them did when he saw the look in my eyes. All in all it was really cool to see him work.

"Well I've got really good news for you Akari. Your cells are looking so much better now that you are using your fine. And not only that but they look so energized and healthy I would have never guessed your cells were ever struggling in the first place! I'm really proud of what you're doing! Whatever it is, keep it up!" Elwin said after a few minutes of silence as he was checking my body for any more injuries. This was really good to hear him say.

I smiled as he helped me up. It was such a happy smile that he couldn't help but smile as well. It also made him more excited to say what he had next. Seeing that he looked like he wanted to say something else I looked at him and tilted my head to the side.

"I'm really happy to say that given a bit of time and a lot of practice. And I mean a lot, not to mention patience as well. But really soon I think you can start to speak."

As soon as those words left his mouth I froze looking at him with so much shock.

I can speak..?

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