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I want to apologize for the really long wait! I didn't mean for it to take that long to get back, so I'm sorry about that! I also wanted to apologize because I might not be able to post for a bit, and I know you're probably upset with me on that and thinking I'm making excuses but my computer is being stupid again. (I'm certainly writing this on my phone.) It's not my completely my computer that is having problems but my wattpad account. It's refusing to work with me. Like I seriously can not access my story for some reason. And it keeps logging me out. But even with all this, I will still Wright the stroy using my docs, I just won't be able to post anything. However, I promise that as soon as I can, I will post the next chapter. The one I just posted was in my drafts for a while. So again, I'm sorry! I'll be back as soon as I can! I hope you have a great day/night or whatever it is for you!

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