Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

By the time the plane landed, Knox had questioned how good of an idea it was getting involved in this several times. Each time he came to the same conclusion: Sam needs him.

How could he not help her? Isn't that his job?

It didn't matter that she was a fugitive or that she was a thief. Those items never came up in his pros and cons list. He was concerned about Sam's safety with him and Veronica's response when she finds out about his involvement with Sam.

Not that they were involved. No, he is just protecting her. Touching the wedding ring on her hand, he wondered if this was a good idea. Pretending to be married meant knowing intimate details about each other, knowing habits and details that no one else knows. It meant sleeping in the same room, as newlyweds the same bed possibly. Especially if there's the slightest chance Veronica is on to them.

They have to keep up the act. Even behind closed doors. Veronica has access to plenty of high tech. She could easily watch them, listen to them at all times. At all hours of the day and night. To keep her from suspecting anything, they couldn't drop the act.

Even if she finds them, she can't know what they are actually up to. To catch her in the act of taking this diamond, of trying to cut it down and sell it off, they have to seem as real as possible. This relationship has to seem like the real deal.

Because Veronica will find them and she will eventually be furious about it.

"What are you thinking about? You look angry," Sam noted, having been watching him deep in thought for the last several minutes.

"You," Knox answered, looking down at her and dropping her hand. "This is going to get difficult. We have to be careful, Sam. Once we step off this plane we are, for all purposes, married. We have to keep that up constantly until this is over. We can't drop the ball or it's over."

Sam had been thinking about that too. It wasn't going to be easy to keep this going. It meant twenty four hours a day of immersion in their characters. Twenty four hours a day of being together as a happily just married couple.

How far would they have to go to stay in character?

"I know. I was thinking the same thing," she agreed with some hesitation. "Do you think she's figured it out yet? We've been gone for... a couple hours now."

"Probably. Veronica was watching us. She had to know we were going to run eventually." Knox answered, reaching for her hand again.

It was uncomfortable not having her hand in his. It was something he would worry about later. Much later when this was over. For now he needed to be a convincing husband. He needs to be able to convince everyone around them that he is in love with Sam.

"We should probably get our story straight," he suggested. Seeing the blank look on her face, Knox elaborated. "How we met, fell in love, how I proposed to you, that stuff."

"Oh! Yes, I guess we should," Sam considered this for a moment and went on, "I think we should keep it as close to the truth as possible. It will be easier to remember. Do you remember when we first met?"

A slow seductive smile came to his face as Knox remembered the first time he saw her. He could still see her and had to shift in his seat.

"Do you?" Knox asked not sure if they remember the same time in question. Does she know that he saw her for the first time further back than he was assigned to her case? Did she see him, remember him, from before the chase began?

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