Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

New York City. The city that never sleeps was already moving and going by the time they left JFK airport and headed for their hotel. Sitting in the taxi, Sam watched the cars around them as Knox got on his phone.

She stared out the window as Knox took her hand and kissed her palm. Getting Sam's attention, she turned to look at him and got lost in those deep green eyes for a moment too long. Without thinking, Knox leaned in and kissed her lips softly once just as his call connected. The moment left Sam needy and confused about what they were doing.

"We just arrived. We're heading to the hotel now and will be ready. No, no contact yet, why?" Knox frowned, listening and looking at Sam. Whatever he was being told Knox didn't like. "Okay, I should have guessed that. Thanks. I'll be in touch."

Taking Sam's hand he gave it a reassuring squeeze. "They're settled in and having a great time. They also love their companion."

Sam smiled at that. Her aunts would, of course, love having Marcus with them. They don't usually get a chance to spend a lot of time with a man like him. Having his undivided attention will be the thrill that will tide them over for years.

"Marcus said that Veronica has contacted him. She knows where we are," Knox whispered as he leaned into her and kissed Sam on the side of the head. "Don't react. Don't pull away. We're being followed."

Sam didn't move. She didn't even breathe as her eyes met his. How did Veronica find them so fast? She was so careful at the airport and getting on the plane. Knox would have known to be just as careful unless...

"You wanted her to follow us," Sam slowly put his reasons together.

"If she's focused on us then she isn't looking for your aunts. It's safer for them. We can handle Veronica," Knox sounded so certain of that.

He had a confidence that Sam didn't feel. She wasn't sure that Veronica didn't have the capability of going after all of them. She definitely didn't have the scruples to leave two innocent old ladies alone. Sam knew Veronica would use whatever necessary to force her into turning over the Graff.

Knox felt her uneasiness and understood why she was worried. She had every reason to worry. Her family was in danger and he needed to do everything he could to protect them. That was his job.

Running his fingers through her hair, Knox kissed her forehead again. He seemed to be making a habit out of it but didn't seem to mind. Leaning forward, he gave the driver a new address to go to.

Confused by the change, Sam frowned looking at him, trying to figure out what he was planning. He got her away from her comfort zone. She is, at the moment, reliant on him to keep her safe. Would Knox turn on her and take her into custody now?

"Where are we going?" She asked only to be silenced by a kiss.

It took Sam off guard and had her pushing against his chest. What kind of game was this? The kisses, the change of plans, the lack of communication. Sam didn't like the way it made her feel.

"Somewhere safe, don't worry, baby. I'll protect you," Knox winked at her as he kissed her again on the lips.

As they drove up to the building on the upper east side, the taxi let them out at the curb in front of a tall glass building with a burgundy awning over the front door. A doorman stood waiting for them as Knox got their bags out of the car and walked in front of her to the door.

"Welcome home Mr. McKenzie. I hope you had a wonderful vacation," the doorman greeted him.

Knox smiled, relaxed as if he had just been on vacation and turned to Sam, who looked like she was about to run down the street. "Found myself a wife! Babe, this is Timmons. He runs the building. If you need anything, let him know. He'll take care of it."

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