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Eddie was beaming as Wayne practically cornered Matty, grilling him with questions. Maggie was mortified, burying her face in her hands as she couldn't bear to watch her uncle interrogate her boyfriend. Eddie and I were curled up on one end of the couch, Eddie leaned up against the armrest and his arms tight around me. Maggie was at the other end, trying to become as small as possible. I got close to Eddie's ear.

"You're being mean," I whispered. He turned to me, still smiling.

"Wayne interrogated you—"

"Wayne told embarrassing stories about you and told me how much you liked me – it was not the same as this line of questioning," I interrupted. He pouted until I kissed him, and his face split into a smile.

"Fine, fine, fine – I'll rescue him," Eddie conceded. He sighed and cleared his throat. "Alright, old man – I want to relax and watch the movie. Leave the kid alone."

Wayne grinned at us, setting an arm around a terrified Matty.

"We're just talking!" Wayne insisted. Matty smiled nervously.

"I-it's okay, Eddie," Matty stammered. Eddie shook his head and nodded towards the other end of the couch.

"Just ignore the old man – he's practically senile. Go sit with Maggie," Eddie ordered. Wayne's jaw dropped, and Matty scampered over to sit by Maggie on the couch. Wayne sauntered over to the recliner, one that I assume had been his when he lived here, and he plopped down.

"Matty, I hope you know that I am pleased to meet you – Maggie never stops talking about you, so I know she likes you," Wayne continued. Matty had an arm around Maggie, not nearly as touchy as Eddie and I out of respect to Eddie and Wayne.

"Oh, my god, Uncle Wayne!" Maggie exclaimed, even more embarrassed. Wayne's eyes widened, and he looked at me.

"What did I say wrong?" he asked. I smiled and shook my head.

"Why don't we just start the movie?" I offered. Maggie shot up and started getting the movie ready. Matty looked over at me, still pale from Wayne's line of questioning. I smiled kindly at him. "You doing alright?"

"I'm okay," he stammered. He smiled nervously. "I'm glad you and Eddie are back together."

"Me too," I replied, setting my hand on Eddie's thigh and rubbing it. Matty let out a deep breath.

"Yeah, I was worried I was never going to be allowed back over because of what a bad mood Eddie's been in," Matty admitted. I laughed and leaned back onto Eddie.

"I heard he was quite the nightmare recently," I teased. I smiled wider as Eddie wrapped his arms around me tighter. He pressed his lips to my ear, and I felt my face flush.

"If one more person talks about how mean I was when we were broken up," he growled. I smiled up at him.

"Well, if you hadn't been such a grump," I sing-songed. He smirked at me and kissed me sweetly. I settled back into his arms, sighing happily as he pressed his lips to the crown of my head.

The movie started, and I pressed further into Eddie, preparing to be scared of the movie we attempted to watch on our first date. Eddie set one of his hands on my thigh and traced soft designs into it. I glanced over at Maggie and Matty and almost burst into laughter when I noticed that Matty had his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn't get scared. Wayne was intently watching the screen.

"I can't believe Maggie watches this shit, too," Wayne grumbled. Eddie scoffed.

"Seriously? You raised me," Eddie shot back. Wayne turned to him, furrowing his brows. "Really? You used to have marathons of The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, and The Omen with me."

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