Chapter Seven

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"I'm really sorry about the table." Zane says hours later as we helped Gavin clean up. "It's all good bro." Gavin nods fist bumping him. "What a crazy night." Sophie sighs. "We're really sorry for leaving your side Seren." Zaina nods. "Yeah that'll never happen again." Stephan crosses his heart. "Guys it's okay. I'm not a baby who needs to be chaperoned 24/7. You guys have friends here and all I have is you. Tonight I made a good friend." I say. "Yeah I don't know how I feel too much about you hanging out with Austin." Zane says. "Austin? As in drug dealer Austin?" Gavin bursts into laughter. "No chance in hell you are ever getting within five feet of him again." Koen glares at me. "That's not up to you. Okay yes he's a dealer but you know what he's really nice." I say. "All guys are nice to girls who look like you Seren. Trust no one not even these guys." Koen snaps. "Okay ouch." Jeremiah says. "Listen Ko if it makes you feel better Seren is right he's a chill guy." Gavin says and I smile. "Yeah and un like any other guy i've ever encountered Austin doesn't look at me like he wants to fuck me. He didn't even look at my chest or legs." I point out. "Good i'd kill him if he did." Zane smiles planting a kiss on my cheek. "Well I think this is great news. Austin's my boy which means if you guys are good friends ya boy will get discounts." Gavin grins holding up a blunt. "Maybe." I shrug. "Yeah you aren't helping Gavin." Koen rolls his eyes. "Everyone sober enough to go home yet?" Jeremiah asks. We all nod. "Later Gav sorry about the table." Zane nods. We all say good bye and head out.

"What a night." Sophie sighs. "We're really sorry again Ser." Jeremiah nods. "Guys it's fine. I'm fine." I say. "You two look pretty cozy." Zaina waggles her eyebrows. "Zaina." Zane warns. "Listen everyone be quiet when we head in." Jeremiah says. We all nod. "I'll be up soon." I whisper to Zane and he nods. "Come on." I say taking Stephan's hand. "Where are we going?" He laughs. I head out to the dock and sit down. "Stephan I love you." I say quietly. "I love you too Sere." He says. "Tonight I realized I wanted to be with Zane. I have a stronger connection with him and I don't want you to think for a second there is anything you could have done differently or anything he has that you don't. You're amazing Stephan and anyone would be lucky to have the privilege of being loved by you. You are the love of my life Stephan. Your my best friend and without your approval I don't know how I could move foward. I wanted to be honest." I say. He stays quiet for a few minutes. "Does he make you happy Seren? Like truly?" He asks and I nod. "All I want is for you to be happy. You have been through so much Sere and if Zane makes you happy then you have my approval." He says. "You aren't mad?" I ask taking his hands. He pulls me closer. "I could never be mad at you for going for what makes you happy. Seren I thank you really, you have changed Zane. He has never been happier. You brought the life back in my brother." He says. "I love you so much." I breath wrapping my arms around him. "I love you sweet girl." He says kissing me softly.

"Are you okay?" Zane asks immediately pulling me into his arms. I nod. "Stephan is happy for us. I had to tell him." I say. "I know, i'm glad he's okay." Zane nods. I sit on the bed and sigh. "Seren are you okay? That should have never happened tonight." He says kneeling down besides me. I nod. "I'm okay. Thank you for protecting me tonight." I tell him. "Always my love." He smiles kissing me softly. "You aren't coming to bed?" I ask him. He shakes his head no. "You are not completely sober." He answers. I nod softly. "Good night Zane." I say. "Good night Seren."

In a matter of days he became mine entirely.

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