Chapter Thirteen

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Weeks had passed. I had lost weight I had no intention of loosing and was completely sleep deprived. I spoke a total of two to three words each day and continued camping out in my closet. It was the only place I felt the most safe at. Nobody could get me here.

"Seren enough is enough. Open the door or I am coming in." Melanie says. "Mel please." I beg. "It has been weeks Seren and I've got to tell you i'm really fucking concerned. This behavior is a lot like your mother's and I really don't want to send you to a hospital." She yells. I roll my eyes and open the door. "I just like to be alone is that a crime?" I ask. "Yes it is. Especially when days turn into weeks and you stop talking to the people who love you." She says. "I talk to you guys." I say. "Barely. This is the most we've spoken in almost a month." She says. "Okay." I reply. "No more staying in your room all day. You need to go out and spend some time with the others. Let some sunlight in and get yourself together." She says. "Okay i'll go outside." I say. "Yes you will. The others are going to some party tonight and you're going." She says. "Melanie pleade don't make me go." I beg. "You're going." She says. "Melanie all anyone does is drink and do drugs." I say. "Sere!" Sophie hisses from the hallway. "Wonderful so be smart like I know you are and don't do drugs or drink." She says. I sigh again. "Get ready they're leaving soon." She says storming out.

Now Mel hated me.

I change into small ripped jeans shorts and pull on a white tube top. I slip into my white burks and brush my hair out. I stare at my reflection and gasp. I hadn't looked at myself in weeks. I felt and looked like a zombie. I used to love the way I looked. My long hair, my face , my body and now I hated everything about myself. I apply little concealer in attempt to cover my black eyes but even still it is no use.

"Sere we're leaving." Zaina says. I head downstairs. "Have fun." Melanie calls. "I won't." I mutter. I climb into Jeremiah's Jeep. "You look beautiful." Zane says softly. "I bet." I reply staring out the window. "What's with the attitude Seren perk the fuck up." Koen mutters. "Koen." Zane warns. I don't bother replying. I just wanted time to go by quickly so I could get back home.

When we arrive at the party the other climb out. "Let's go." Koen says. "I feel sick no." I reply. "Too bad you don't have a choice." He says. "Actually I do. Fuck off Koen." I snap. "Fine i'll just call Melanie." He replies. "I'll handle it just go in. Don't call her bro." Zane argues. Koen stalks off. "Sere just take my hand. I swear on my life I will be with you all night. You don't have to talk or do anything okay, I promise." He says. After a few seconds I take his hand and follow him around the house and into the backyard. I drop his hand and he glances at me and I immediately feel a pang of guilt. "Happy Birthday Cass." Zane says to a pretty girl who immediately approaches us. "Thanks Zane! Oh my god you must be Seren. I'm Cassie." She smiles hugging me. I glance at Zane. "Hi." I mumble. "Wow you are pretty. I know Zane through Gavin. Gavin's my cousin." She smiles. "Nice." I nod. "Sorry Cass, Seren isn't feeling too well she's recovering from stomach flu." Zane says. "No worries, feel better hon." Cassie smiles. "Stomach flu?" I mutter. "You're welcome." Zane says. "Excuse me but I don't think we've met. You're so gorgeous." A boy says approaching me. He was blonde with blue eyes and something about him threw me way off. I hide myself behind Zane. "Hi." I mumble. "Excuse us." Zane says flatly to him. He rests his hand on the small of my back leading me away. "Do you know him?" He asks. I shake my head no. "He just reminded me of someone I don't like." I say. Zane nods slowly. "Hey Zane, we heard you're single." A girl smiles plopping down on his lap as if I was invisible. "And who told you that?" Zane asks gently pushing her legs off of him. "Chad." She laughs. "You go tell Chad I said to go fuck himself." Zane says. "So you are single?" She asks. She leans foward and presses her lips to his neck. "Listen bitch if you touch him again i'll lay out." I snap glaring at her. Her eyes widen and she leaves immediately. Zane smiles. "Loose the smirk." I warn. "Yes ma'am." He nods.

After some time of ignoring more people and observing others I stand up. "I'm getting a drink i'll be back." I mumble. I make my way to the drinks table and take two ativans I had shoved in my pocket earlier. I grab an unopened bottle of vodka and a cup. "Hey Seren." Chad says suddenly. I drop the cup amd freeze. "Leave me alone." I say. "Why are you sitting with Zane? I thought I told you to stay away from him." He says. "You don't scare me. And neither does your gun picture off the internet." I say. He grips my wrist and holds up his shirt far enough to expose the gun he did infact have tucked into his waistband. "I'll scream. I'll tell them everything." I warn as my eyes tear up. "Do it. You might be hot Seren but nobody wants sloppy seconds especially not Zane. And nobody would ever fucking believe you either. Everyone saw how drunk you were. I think you have a drinking problem." He sneers. I wipe my eye and grab the cup again. "Look at you fucking standing there crying." He says. I drop the cup again and just grab the bottle. "I swear i'll hurt him." Chad whispers. "Seren?" Someone says. I look up to see Austin. "Austin." I breath a sigh of relief. He eyes Chad oddly. "Can I help you?" Austin asks. I down the bottle. "Can I help you? I was talking to my girl." Chad spits. "You're girl? I think that's Zane's girl." Austin smirks. "What gave you that impression?" Chad asks him staring at me. "Everyone knows that." Austin says slowly. "Seren." Zane says approaching us. He glances between Austin and Chad. "What do you want Zane? I'm trying to talk to Seren." Chad spits. "Yeah you don't get to talk to Seren you fucking creep." Zane says stepping infront of me. "I thought you got dumped? It doesn't sound like Seren is too interested in you anymore." Chad says. I was too high for this. "I thought you just said Seren was your girl." Austin says. "Your girl? Definitely not. Chad here is a fucking creep who won't leave her alone." Zane says. "Noted. In that case fuck off Chad." Austin says. "She's a fucking whore anyways but you'll figure that out sooner or later." Chad laughs.

Within seconds Zane had him on the ground.

"Don't call her that." He says. "Zane lets go." I beg pulling his arm. "Seren tell him how badly you want me." Chad laughs. He stands up and grabs my arm. Austin shoves him hard. "Yeah don't touch her." He warns. Zane pulls me away. "Let's go." He says angrily. "You better watch your back Moore." Chad laughs flashing his gun. "You think that scares me?" Zane laughs. "Zane lets go." I shout pushing him away. "Don't be scared Seren. He needs to leave you alone." He says. "Please." I beg cupping his face. "Cops are here!" Gavin yells. "You got lucky Moore." Chad laughs. "I'll take care of him you should get Seren out of here." Austin says. "She's never going to fucking want you Chad. Just give up." Zane says. "Zane please." I breath pressing my lips to his in distraction. "As much as I like kissing you I really don't want him ever talking to you again." Zane says. "Please let's go home. Please." I beg him. "Okay." He finally nods. He wraps his arm around my waist and helps me into the car. "Can you guys ride with Gavin?" Zane asks Jeremiah. Jeremiah nods. "We're probably going to hang at his place." He says. Zane nods and starts the car.

I stare out the window. "Seren are you okay?" Zane says softly. "I want to sleep." I whisper. "Okay." He replies. He takes my hand and holds it the entire way home.

When we get home I stumble upstairs. "Seren what are you on?" Zane asks helping me into my room. "Nothing. Vodka." I mumble. "Don't lie." He says. "Ativan." I say falling into my bed. "Why are you taking Ativan?" He asks. He disappears into the bathroom. "Anxiety." I mumble closing my eyes. "You have anxiety?" He asks. "Sure." I nod. "Seren are you okay?" He asks. "Zane i'm tired. Can I sleep?" I ask. "Yes Sere. Sleep. I love you." He says. "Zane." I breathe. "Yes?" He replies. "Don't let him get me please." I say. "Who Seren? Don't let who get you?" He asks. "The..the guy who raped me the night of the party." I slur. "Seren..Seren who raped you?" He demands. "Zane..i'm so sleepy." I whine. "I know baby and I promise you'll sleep. Seren who are you talking about?" He asks. "Chad. Chad raped me. Can I go to sleep?" I slur. "Yes. You can sleep Seren." He says. "Lock the doors, don't let him get me." I say.

And then I pass out.

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