Chapter Tweleve

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"You aren't driving." Austin says. "I'm fine." I roll my eyes. "Seren I promise you Zane will never let you speak to me again if you drive home drunk and drugged." He says. "Whatever." I mumble. "Go wait in the car." He says. I grab the keys and sit in the passenger seat. He comes out of a garage seconds later with a bike. Once the bike is in the trunk he drives off. "I think your boyfriend wants to fight me." He says. "He's not my boyfriend." I say. "You still aren't going to tell me what's going on?" He asks. "Are drug dealers usually therapists?" I ask. "No particulary but you're kind of cool." He says. "Kind of? I'm fucking awesome." I mumble. He chuckles. "Austin you're my best friend." I say. "I am not. Friend a little." He says. "You like me and enjoy my company." I say. "I don't." He replies. "You do because Gavin told me all about you. You would have told me to fuck off a while ago." I say. "Gavin's a tool." He answers and I giggle. "I'm fine." I tell him. "I don't believe you." He says. "That's fine." I say.

A few minutes later we pull up to the house. I hop out of the car and Zane makes a beeline straight for Austin. "Relax man. I got her home and I didn't let her drive." He says holding up his hands. "He's fine Zane." I say as Austin grabs his bike. "Later Seren." Austin says. "Seren." Zane says pulling me into his arms. I feel my throat tighten and the tears threaten to spill over. "Are you okay?" He asks examining me up and down. His hand brushes the cut on my leg and he kneels down and kisses it softly. He stands back up and pulls me into his arms again. "You can't do that okay? If you're mad and need space that's fine Seren but you can't leave me for hours like that without a word. I was so worried." He chokes. He wipes his eyes. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "I love you Seren. I love you so much. If you want to breakup I respect that okay? I could never be mad at you." He says. I take a deep breath. "I can't give you all of me right now Zane. You have half of me and I can't give more. You deserve me whole." I say. "Sere I can accept half of you. If you are half then I am the other half." He says. The tears stream down my face and he lifts my chin. "I know something bad must have happened Seren. I can't pin point anything except the night of the party. You were okay and happy and as of yesterday suddenly you aren't anymore." He says.

I could feel the words threatening to come out. I wanted to tell him so badly.

"Good morning." Someone says. Zane looks up and a scowl registers on his face. I turn around to see Chad on a bike. I immediately hide myself behind Zane. "What the hell do you want?" Zane spits. "Nothing dick. I was visiting my aunt. A guy can't say good morning to a old friend and very beautiful girl?" He asks. "Fuck off Chad." Zane says. "Relax. Have a nice day you two. Seren have a great day." He grins. I could feel his eyes boring into mine. There's the monster Zane. Theres the danger. He's the one who hurt me. I wanted to scream. Zane watches as he bikes off and once he's out of sight he turns back to me. He wipes my tears and kisses me softly. "Just say the word Sere. I could never be angry with you." He says. "I just can't." I cry. He clears his throat and nods. "Okay Sere." He says. I kiss him softly and head inside.

"Look who it is miss independent." Koen snaps. "Koen." Zane warns. "Seren you don't get to just leave because your in a bad mood or on your fucking period!" Koen yells. "Oh my god fuck off Koen! You're such a piece of shit." I say slamming the door in his face. "What's going on?" Melanie asks. "She returns!" Koen laughs. "Seren? It's me open up." Melanie says. "Just please everyone leave me alone." I say. "Seren we have rules in this house. I give you freedom but you are under my care you cannot just leave without telling anyone where you are we have all been worried sick about you." Melanie says. I grab my pillow and blanket and head into my closet. I lock the door and lay down silencing them all out.

My phone dings and I see an unknown number pop up.

If you breath a word about that night i'll kill Zane. And everyone you care about. You will regret it. You and I can be together now baby. I love you.

Below the text is a picture of a gun. I didn't know how Chad got my number but he had me right where he wanted again. Completely silenced.

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