Chapter Sixteen

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"Are you sure this will work?" I ask. "It will Seren. We will fight." Melanie says taking my hand. "I'm going to kill him. Seren I am so sorry for being such an asshole." Koen says. "It's okay." I nod. "What you boys need to do, especially Koen and Zane is too just sit down and let the cops handle everything." Melanie warns. "This is all my fault. I'm the one who sent you to the car." Stephan says. "You're the one who sent her out alone!" Zane seethes standing up. "Zane don't. It isn't Stephans fault. I say standing between them. "Seren i'm so sorry." Stephan says. I hug him tightly and kiss his jaw. "This is not your fault. I love you." I tell him. He nods. "When they get here I want you all upstairs." Melanie says. "They're on the way." Paul says quietly walking back in. "Zane should stay with her mom." Sophie says. "Yeah she needs you two and Zane." Zaina nods in agreement. Melanie looks at me. "The questions they might ask can get very...detailed Seren. Are you sure you want Zane here for that?" She asks me. "I don't know." I whisper looking at him. "You and I. I can handle it." He says. I nod hesitantly. He takes my hand stroking my finger gently and we wait in silence.

"I'm officer Lopez and this is officer Diaz." The first officer introduces. "Thank you for coming out." Melanie says. "So I have herr a report of a sexual assault that took place...four weeks ago?" Officer Lopez raises his eyebrow as he skims the papers infront of him. I nod. "Walk me through that day." He says. Zane squeezes my hand and I take a deep breath. "There was a beach party that day. Nothing unusual, we all got ready and went to the beach. There was some drinking in involved. Stephan had asked me if I could go into the garage and grab his phone charger." I say. "Why didn't Stephan just go get it himself?" Officer Diaz asks. "Because he wasn't feeling well. I told him to sit down and that I would grab it for him." I say. This was a lie but I knew the others were upstairs listening in and that Stephan would give them whatever story I did if questioned.

"Okay and then what happened?" He asks. "I headed out into the garage and into Stephans car. I couldn't find his charger in the front seat so I was in the back of the car. I was looking under the seats and I heard the door close and lock. I looked up and saw...Chad. He said if I screamed or tried to leave he would hurt me. I tried my best to fight him off but I was too intoxicated. He held his hands around my throat and raped me." I say quietly. "And what were you wearing?" Officer Lopez asks. "A swim suit." I say quietly. "And where is that swimsuit?" He asks. "Upstairs in my trash can knock yourselves out." I say flatly. "And what is your relation to Chad Brookeman?" Officer Diaz asks. "There is no relation. He has been bothering me since he moved here." I say. "May I interject?" Zane asks. They nod. "He's been harassing her. He makes lewid comments about the way she looks and the things he would do to her. Everyone hears it. Every gathering we go to he is there and it always ends up in a fight." He says. "Okay noted. We are going to go grab the bathing suit. You two do understand drinking and doing other illegal drugs is illegal correct?" Officer Diaz says. We both nod. "Why didn't you come forward the night of?" Officer Lopez asks. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Melanie snaps. "Melanie." Paul warns. "No. I'm sorry but officers this is a women who was ripped of her innocence. She was terrified. She hasn't been sleeping or eating since. She sleeps in her locked closet because that is the only place she feels safest in. No women who is raped immediately goes and tells." Melanie says. "Especially when there are threats involved." Zane says. "What threats?" Diaz asks. I pull out my phone and show them the messages. "He threatens over text and in person that he will kill Zane and everyone else that matters to me. He threatens that he will kill me. He said nobody will believe me." I say. "Okay we are going to continue with our investigation. Did you wash the bathing suit by any chance?" Officer Diaz asks. I shake my head no. "I'll go get it." Melanie says dismissing herself. "That's very good. There's a good chance his DNA will still be on it." He says. I nod slowly.

Melanie returns with the bathing suit and Zane tightens his grip. They seal it in a bag and stand up. "Okay we are going to go file this report and continue. We will be in touch." Officer Lopez says. I nod. "We are very sorry this happened to you." Officer Diaz says as Melanie walks them out.

Once they leave I let out a sigh. "I promise you he will pay." Melanie says hugging me. I nod. "You need sleep." Zane tells me. I nod again. "Come on." He says taking my hand. I take his hand and he leads me upstairs. "So?" Koen says bursting out of his room with the others. "We reported it they are handeling it." Zane says. "I love you."'i whisper in his ear. He presses his lips to mine. "Come inside with me." I breath. He picks me up continuing to kiss me. "Oh my." Sophie giggles. "Sickos." Koen groans. "Have fun." Zaina giggles as Zane slams the door and locks it. "Seren." Be breaths breaking away. "I want you Zane." I say. "Seren." He starts. "I haven't felt a thing in weeks Zane and you're the only one who makes me feel alive. Please." I beg him. "Are you sure Seren? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He says. "Zane fill up the tub and get undressed." I tell him. He nods and heads into the bathroom.

A few minutes later I meet him in the bathroom. The tub is filled with bubbles and he had dimmed the lights and added fake candles all around. "I want this to be special." He says kissing me. "It will be." I nod. "Are you sure you want me Seren?" He asks. I drop my towel in response. Be sucks in his breath loudly. "You're exhilarating. You are unreal." He says pulling me closer. He pulls off his shirt dropping it to the ground and I undo his belt. "Sere." He pants. "I want you Zane. Please." I whisper. He drops his pants to the ground and I tug at his briefs. He pulls them off and takes my hand. I press my lips to his and he climbs into the tub pulling me with him. "You are so beautiful. I am so lucky." He whispers soaping me down. "You are the one for me." I respond. "If you need to stop tell me." He says. "Zane it's like you said. What you and I have is real love." I say. "It is. I love you more than life itself." He says. "There will never be a day that I don't want you." I tell him. He picks me up gently setting me on the edge of the tub. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Are you sure you want me?" I ask quietly. "I am so sure." He says knitting his eyebrows together. He spreads my legs gently and seconds later I feel his mouth. I throw my head back as my chest rises and falls in heavy rhythm. "Zane." I breath. He takes my hands and continues. "My beautiful wife." He murmurs. A few minutes later he leans back pulling me with him. "Are you ready?" He asks. I take his length into my hands and he throws his head back. "Yes." I breath sitting on top of him. He pulls me closer kissing my neck. We fall into a rhythm and each second gets better than the last. "I love you." I tell him. "I love you." He pants continuing harder. "Zane the bedroom." I tell him. He picks me up inserting himself in me again and carries me to the bedroom all while continuing. "Zane." I beg. "Do you feel good?" He asks. "Yes, just don't stop." I smile. He kisses me and I pull him closer and closer. "You make me feel alive Zane." I breath. "We're never going to be able to stop you know that?" He pants. "Who ssid we had too?" I smile again. "I never want to be away from you." He says. "Then don't. Stay here with me, inside me." I say wrapping my legs around his waist. "Seren unwrap your legs before you get pregnant." He warns knitting his eyebrows together in frustration. "Or you could just fill me up because i'm on the pill." I tell him. "I want too." He groans. "You can do whatever you want Zane." I breathe staring into his eyes. He kisses my neck and breasts. "I belong to you. I am all yours." I moan. "Are you sure?" He asks. I nod. "Please Zane, I want to feel all of you." I breathe. He nods continuing faster. "I love you. There is nobody else for me but you." I tell him. I feel him finish in me and he lets out a long sigh. "You're my weakness." He groans. "And you're the love of my life." I tell him.

"How do you feel?" He asks soaping me down. "Whole. You make me feel whole Zane not half." I say. "You're all the matters. I can't live without you." He says. "Me neither." I tell him. "I'm going to make you my wife soon I swear it." He says. I smile nodding and kiss him. "My husband." I say. "Say that again." He breathes. "My perfect husband." I say climbing back on his lap. "Again." He begs. "My husband. I'm going to be your wife." I whisper into his ear. "I am so lucky." He murmurs. "I am. You're perfect for me." I say. He kisses me softly.

After some time we get dressed and climb into bed. "Sleep with me tonight?" I ask him. "What if I sleep with you every night?" He proposes. "Even better. Just move into my bedroom so we can have our own suite." I say. "If that is what you want then I will make it happen. We will move into my bedroom because it is the largest and furthest off. I have a better view of the beach and a bathroom in there I don't even use." He says. "Even better." I murmur. "And then I can make love to my wife without no distractions or interruptions." He whispers. "Whenever you want." I tell him. "We aren't going to be able to stop." He chuckles. "Good." I smile closing my eyes. He kisses my head. "Sleep Sere. I am here. You are safe with me and I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I whisper.

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