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_-_Sperantia's POV_-_

I sit beside Lilith, watching her sleep, her leg still injured from our escape. I can see the pain etched on her face, even in her rest. My heart aches for her, for all of us. She has been through so much, and yet she still has so far to go, we all do.

As I sit there, I notice Lilith's eyes flicker open. She looks around, disoriented, and then her gaze lands on me. Her eyes widen in surprise, and she tries to sit up, but winces in pain. I quickly move to help her, supporting her back as she takes a deep breath.

"Easy, Lilith," I say, trying to soothe her. "You need to rest."

Lilith looks at me, her eyes still filled with surprise. "Sperantia?" she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "You're... a person."

I smile, trying to reassure her. "I am," I say. "I've been with you the whole time, Lilith. I just... didn't look like this before."

Lilith's eyes are filled with confusion, but also a hint of wonder. She looks at me like she's seeing me for the first time, and I realize that she never really knew me before. She only knew my voice, my presence. Not the real me.

"It's okay, Lilith," I say, trying to comfort her. "You're safe now. We're all here for you."

Lilith nods, still looking at me with a mix of surprise and curiosity. But as she looks into my eyes, I can see that through the confusion and questions that there is trust.

As we sit there in the cave, the makeshift torches that Rick had built out of some scrap wood and lit earlier casting eerie shadows on the walls, and even though I know what will happen in the end, I can feel the weight of our situation bearing down on us. Lilith and Andy have been through so much, and yet there still so far from safety.

I look over to Lilith to see what little I can see of her in this lighting. Her eyes are sunken, her face pale and drawn. She is so clearly in pain, and I can see the exhaustion etched on her face. But she is not complaining about it, she is suffering through the pain like she deserves it. I feel a pang of sadness, knowing that I can't take her pain away.

Rick and Andy are quiet, their faces somber. Rick knows what we're up against, and they both know that our chances of survival are slim. Especially Liliths.

As we sit there in silence, the only sound is the soft dripping of water somewhere in the darkness, I can feel the despair settling in. We are trapped, injured, and hunted. And I don't know if we'll ever make it out of this place alive.

Suddenly I feel a hand touch my arm. I turn my head to see Lilith. Her eyes meet mine, and I see the fear and uncertainty there, but I also see bravery and trust. She's depending on me, on all of us, to get her through this. And I don't know if I can do it. We may never find Lila, Dave and Daleyza.

Lilith's eyes hold mine, and I can see the desperation and even more trust laying there. She's depending on me, on all of us, to help her and Andy find Lila. And I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can keep her safe, if I can help her escape the Darkness that's hunting her and Andy. Though now he's also probably most likely hunting Rick and I too.

I take a deep breath, trying to steel myself for what's ahead. "We'll get through this, Lilith," I say, trying to sound confident. "We'll find a way out of here, together."

Lilith nods, a small smile on her face. And in that moment, I know we'll make it through this. We'll face whatever comes next, together, as a team.

As we sit there in the cave, the torches flickering, the darkness pressing in around us, I know we'll find a way to overcome. We have to. We're all we have left.

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