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"Huh?!... It appears the battle's outcome is clear. Your Majesty, who do you think emerged victorious?"

Master Zurrick asked Emperor Maximus after noticing Chamberlian Eadulf's Domain began to dissipate.

"From the pressure he released it would be difficult for Eadulf to win, but since he got into Eadulf's Aura domain... well, we'll just wait and see."

Emperor Maximus replied.



Once Chamberlain Eadulf's Aura Domain had fully dissipated, Emperor Maximus and Master Zurrick were met with a startling sight. The hooded figure, previously ensnared by Eadulf's Domain, now stood unharmed, casually dragging an object with a single hand as they strolled forward.

*SCRAPE! * [Sound effect of dragging an object]

"I must say... he had a strong determination and will. But what use are those if you are weak!"

Helena said as she tossed the object she'd been dragging, like trash, right at Emperor Maximus and Master Zurrick's feet.




A loud thud broke the silence as Chamberlain Eadulf landed at their feet, gasping for breath, while covered in blood and wounds, and on the brink of death.


Emperor Maximus stood in silence; his eyes fixed on his half-dead friend lying at his feet. He could tell from the numerous fatal wounds, on Eadulf's body that it was not a result of a battle but torture. And the only reason Eadulf is still breathing is because of the strong vitality of an Aura master.


Emperor Maximus turns his gaze to the hooded figure and takes a step forward, as he walks past Eadulf, heading toward the Hooded figure, radiating intense killing intent.


"Tower master... take care of the chamberlain's wounds, you can do that can't you?"

Emperor Maximus asked in a calm tone as he continued walking towards the Hooded figure.

"Yes... Yes, I can, Your Majesty."

Master Zurrick replied while sweating profusely. As he felt the immense killing intent and Aura the Emperor was radiating directed towards him.


Emperor Maximus responded upon hearing Master Zurrick's reply. He then raised his right hand and firmly gripped the hilt of his sword.


"Just how much stronger have you become?... I once believed that, through my countless years of magical research as a ninth circle mage, I would close the gap in our strength, as you were stagnant as a 7th Class Aura Master. However, it appears my aspirations to challenge the natural hierarchy were nothing but delusions. An Aura Master will always stand at the pinnacle of strength in this world. But, with this otherworldly power this unknown figure has hidden, I should be able to fulfill my dream, breaking away from the rules of this world that bind me. So, fight on, o Mighty emperor.

Master Zurrick thought in his mind, his eyes fixed on the emperor's departing figure.

"I planned on killing you painlessly and taking the purple energy you hid... but now I've changed my mind."

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