Chapter 17 - Meeting the Family

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The next day, the Cullen siblings, minus Edward, are standing in the parking lot together standing by Rosalie's car. They were talking about random things and then see Edward's car speeding into the parking lot. 

Edward gets out of the car with sunglasses on, and then goes to the passenger side and opens the door and lets Bella out. Everyone is staring at them. 

Bella said talking about how everyone was staring and when Edward passes his siblings.

"I'm breaking all the rules now anyway," He says to Bella, and then looks to his siblings while passing them, "since I'm going to hell." He says towards them and puts his arm around Bella's shoulder and walks into the school with her. 

Rosalie glared at his retreating figure. "He's making jokes...We are all going to be killed if anyone finds out about this and he's making jokes."

"He made his choice. There is nothing we can do about it babe." Emmett said while putting his arm around Rosalie to calm her down.

"Edward will be happy." Alice says with a smile.

"Even if he is. We can still be killed for it, Alice." Rosalie says heatedly. Clayton growls warningly at her.

Christina sighs, "Edward decided he is going to be with her. Despite the fact that she isn't his mate and the danger it will bring, he is going to be with her and Carlisle is allowing it....we can't do anything about it, so I'm just going to ignore it." She says to her siblings before she walks off. Jasper follows after her and walks beside her, opening the door for her as they enter the school.

 Jasper follows after her and walks beside her, opening the door for her as they enter the school

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Three days later, Jasper and Christina are in their room. Jasper is reading and Christina is going through her clothes, making a pile for donation.

"Bella is coming over today to meet the family. I'm picking her up around noon." 

"Wait what?" Christina asks looking at him. Jasper closed his book and stood up next to Christina. "When was this decided? We never discussed this. I'm not necessarily comfortable with her being here. I doubt Jasper is either."

"You don't have a choice. It's happening. Carlisle and Esme already know." He said and walked away.

Christina scoffed and looked at Jasper. "I didn't realize that the leader of the coven changed." She said sarcastically. Jasper chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Do we have to do this? I really don't want to be around her."

"Unfortunately we do. We don't have a say darlin'."

Christina sighs, "Help me go through the last of these clothes? Then we can go hunting before the blood bag arrives." 

"Sure, darlin'." Jasper said but still looked a little worried.

"Don't worry Jasper. You're the strongest vampire I know. You won't hurt her. I promise." She says

He kisses her. "Let's get finished with these clothes." He says and they go through they quickly go through the rest of the clothes and then go hunting.

Jasper and Christina heard their family chuckling after Bella asked if she would become the meal. Christina looked at Jasper. He nodded and she hopped onto the balcony and walked through the glass door just as Alice hugged Bella. Jasper and Christina stood at a distance and Jasper wrapped his arm around Christina's waist. Clayton walked over to stand next to his sister.

"The name's Clayton." He says to Bella before ruffling his sister's hair, "This is my little sister, Christina."

Christina slaps his hand away and looks at him with a mock glare, "TWIN sister." She says to him, he just smirks, then she turns to Bella. "I'm his twin sister, Christina. This is my mate, Jasper."

"Twins like Jasper and Rosalie?" She asks

"No we're actually twins," Clayton and Christina say together. 

"Oh." She says and notices Jasper staring.

"Sorry. Jasper's our newest vegetarian. It's a little difficult for him." Carlilse says. Jasper nods to her in greeting.

"And yet he's the strongest of all of us. He feels the hunger for your blood from every person in this room on top of his own and he resists. Edward's hunger for it happens to be the strongest." Christina adds with a slight smirk. Jasper tightened his hold on Christina. Christina looked at him and softly said, "It's okay. You're strong. You're not going to hurt her, Cowboy. I promise."

Edward looks freaked out because of his family and drags Bella on a tour of the house. 

After they leave the room, Esme says "cute."

"I know." Alice agrees. 

Christina turns to Jasper after Edward and Bella leave and lightly puts her hands on his chest. She lightly rubs her nose up against his and then kisses his nose. He smiles at her with eyes full of love.

Esme tells Rosalie to pick up the mess she made when she broke the salad bowl

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Esme tells Rosalie to pick up the mess she made when she broke the salad bowl.

"Come on, Cowboy." Christina said grabbing Jasper's hand and pulling him to their room. Jasper gladly followed his mate.

"What are we doin' darlin'?" He asks as they entered their room.

She grabbed the chess board and started setting it up on the table. "We are going to play chess and do whatever else we want to in here and ignore what is happening out there with Edward and his human." 

Jasper walks up to her with a small smile. "Sounds perfect darlin'." He gives her a kiss. "Let's play." He says and they begin the game.

" He says and they begin the game

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