Chapter 24 - Birthday Party Disaster

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The Cullen's were dressed and finished setting up for the party. Edward and Bella were upstairs and Alice went to go get them. 

Jasper and Christina were standing in the back of the room away from where Bella would be coming from. When she came down the stairs Jasper held on to Christina. Clayton was standing next to them, knowing his mate would be with Bella the whole time.

"Sorry Bella. We tried to rein Alice in." Carlisle said to her as she comes down the last few stairs.

"As if it was even possible. Happy Birthday Bella." Esme says hugging Bella. Alice took a picture using Bella's camera.

Bella looks at her. "I found it in your bag. Hope you don't mind." Alice says and Bella huffs out a laugh.

Emmett stands next to Edward and says to him, "Dating an older woman?" Edward just looks at him and shakes his head. "What?" he asks and Rosalie goes to stand next to him. 

Alice hands her a box, "Here you first." Alice says

Rosalie hands the wrapped box to Bella, "It's a necklace. Alice picked it out."

Bella takes the box and thanks her. Alice drags Edward over to Bella and takes their picture. 

Alice hands Bella and bigger box. "This is from Emmett"

Bella smiles taking the box. She shakes it looking at Emmett.

"Already installed it in your truck." he says with a smile. "About time you got a decent sound system in that piece of--"

"Hey. Don't hate on the truck." Bella says.

"Open Esme's and Carlisle's next." Alice says handing it to her. 

"It's a little something to brighten up your day." Carlisle says

"You've been looking a little pale lately" Esme adds.

Bella looks at the envelope and makes a split second decision, she opens it in way that causes a paper cut. She wants to trick one of them into biting her. "Oh. Paper Cut." She says holding her finger up.

Jasper tenses behind Christina, from smelling Bella's blood. Jasper was able to fight the slight hunger he felt from everyone. Edward then pushes Bella back so hard that she flies into the wall and lands on a glass table breaking it, causing an even worst cut and more blood to come from her, causing everyone's hunger to increase. That caused Jasper to have some difficulty.

Clayton and Emmett grab Jasper and Clayton starts to use his gift on him as he starts to move Christina to his side to attack Bella. Christina quickly turns to face him and kisses him hard on the lips. Jasper, distracted by his mate, forgets about everyone's hunger and focuses solely on Christina. Knowing he wouldn't attack, Emmett and Clayton let him go and Jasper wraps his arms around Christina, then speeds them out of the house, deep into the woods.

"That was good thinking." Emmett says, talking about Christina's reaction.

"I know you want to be a vampire, but cutting yourself to cause one of us to attack isn't the way to do it, blood bag." Rosalie said to Bella. She then walked outside to get away from Bella and her blood. The rest followed, except Carlisle who patched Bella up.

 The rest followed, except Carlisle who patched Bella up

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