Chapter 27 - Decisions

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Carlisle got a call from Alice. After he hung up he ran to the family. "Edward went to see the Volturi."

"What? Why?" Emmett asks

"He thinks Bella died and wants to join her."

"That idiot." Christina commented

"Alice and Bella are going to save him." Carlisle adds

"WHAT?!" Clayton and Christina exclaim.

Christina quickly looks into the future and gasps when she comes out of it. "I'm going to have to take their shields down."

"What? No!" Clayton says

"If I don't, Aro will wonder why he can't read their minds and he will kill them both and Bella and then come for us. I have to take the shields down. It's the only way they have a chance of leaving there alive."

"Edward probably didn't even think about what would happen when Aro couldn't read his mind....if you take the shield down, the Volturi will know that you are a copy cat and come after you to join them." Rosalie says

Christina and Jasper look at each other with a knowing look.

"What?" Rosalie asks, noticing the look the mates are sharing.

"Umm...About that....I can manipulate what the shields cover, it isn't an all or nothing thing."

"What? How long have you been able to do that?" Clayton asks

"Since 1902. I figured it out and have been shielding our power from everyone's mind....or our existence...ever since."

"And you never told me?" Clayton asks upset.

"At first, I didn't want to you worry, it was really draining. After that it never came up..I'm sorry Tony." She apologizes and Clayton nods with a smile accepting it. "I can manipulate their shields so Aro won't be able to find out about our powers. Anything related to our powers, he won't hear. He will know we exist, but he will think we are normal vampires with no gifts. That way they have the best chance of leaving alive and we are still protected." She says to Clayton.

"Are you sure this is the only way?" He asks, still not liking the idea of Alice's mind left unprotected.

"For them to have a chance of making it out alive....yes." Christina says and Clayton sighs and nods.

"How long will it take?" Carlisle asks

"Seconds....once I connect to the shield in their heads. The farther they are the longer it will take for me to connect and the more draining it becomes."

"Okay. Do it." Carlisle says

Christina looks at both her brother and husband, who both nod in reassurance. She closes her eyes and focuses on the shield she has on Edward, she connected to the shield and manipulates it from covering everything in his head to just the thoughts, conversations, and observations surrounding her and Clayton's gifts. Afterwards she connects to Alice's shield and does the same thing. She was closer so it was less draining, but she was still exhausted, well as exhausted a vampire who doesn't sleep could be.

"It's done. Edward is almost at Volterra." She says tiredly.

"Are you okay, darlin'?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Christina says before she stands up. When she stands, her knees instantly buckle, "Woah." she said. Jasper speeds and catches her, before lifting her bridal style. Clayton stands too, worried about his sister. "That was more draining than I thought it would be." Christina mumbles leaning against Jasper's chest with a hand on her forehead.

"Darlin'?" Jasper asks her worried

"I'm okay, Jas." Christina mumbles

"She will be okay, Jasper. She is just really drained. Go get her fed." Carlisle said after quickly looking at Christina. 

Jasper nods and goes to walk out the door. "Wait I'm coming too." Clayton says and he speeds to Jasper to help him get his sister fed.

" Clayton says and he speeds to Jasper to help him get his sister fed

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Christina was feeling better. She drained 8 animals before she felt satisfied. The next day Carlisle brought up going back to Forks after he got a message from Alice that they were all safe and returning, but they had to promise to turn Bella. Carlisle didn't want to decide until after a discussion and a vote, he already knew Alice and Edward would both want to go.

"So Esme and I were talking about moving back to Forks, now that Edward is going to be with Bella again....assuming they both survive the Volturi. I wanted to have a discussion and a vote on the matter." Carlisle said.

"I prefer Forks over the other places we've stayed, but is it going to go back to how it was before? Where we did whatever Edward wanted regarding Bella, regardless of the dangers and our opinions?" Rosalie asks

"No. We will discuss things together and vote. Things will be different."

"Is Bella going to be coming around the house often? I'm not necessarily comfortable around her." Jasper says

"I agree. Since what happened with James, she has been bugging Edward to turn her and complaining to the rest of us that he won't do it or that he didn't let her turn. It gets annoying and the house is where we are supposed to feel the most comfortable. I don't feel that way when Bella is around and neither does Jasper." Christina says

"She might come every once in a while, but I am going to tell Edward he needs to discuss it with the coven as a whole beforehand. The only time it would be acceptable for her come unannounced is if it were an emergency." Carlisle replies

"So to clarify.....You won't be Edward's trained dog anymore and Bella won't be coming over as often and every time she does will be announced, unless there is an emergency?" Christina asks

"Yes." Carlisle agrees. "Any other question?" When nobody answers, Carlisle continues, "Okay. Lets put this to a vote. Emmett?"

"Hell yeah."




"Yes. Alice would say yes too."






"Let's move back to Forks." She says with a smile.

"Looks like we are going back to Forks. Everyone get packed." Carlisle said and everyone rushed to pack their stuff, excited to return home to Forks. 


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