Chapter 9: Moment of Moratorium

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Alone in her dimly lit office, the air heavy with anticipation, Min Heejin sat at her desk, her fingers tapping impatiently on the polished wood. Outside, the city buzzed with life, oblivious to the tension that gripped her like a vice. As she glanced at the clock, its hands inching closer to midnight, a sense of foreboding settled over her. Tonight, the shadows seemed to stretch a little longer, the silence a little more suffocating.

As Min Heejin sat in her office, enveloped by the oppressive silence, the sudden ring of the company telephone shattered the stillness. Startled, she reached for the receiver, her heart pounding with a mix of apprehension and curiosity. With a steadying breath, she answered the call, her voice firm despite the uncertainty that gnawed at her insides.

"Min Heejin speaking," she announced, her tone commanding attention even as her mind raced with questions.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the line, a distorted voice spoke, its tone laced with menace.

"Min Heejin," it began, the words dripping with malice. "We have something that belongs to you." Min Heejin's grip tightened on the phone as she listened intently, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Who is this?" she demanded, her voice steady despite the underlying tension. The voice on the other end chuckled darkly. "That's not important," it replied cryptically. "What matters is that we have your precious operatives in our custody." A chill ran down Min Heejin's spine at the mention of Danielle and Haerin.

"What do you want?" she asked, her voice betraying none of her fear. The voice hesitated for a moment before responding, "You'll find out soon enough. But for now, let's just say we have some unfinished business to attend to." Min Heejin's grip tightened on the receiver as a sense of foreboding settled over her. "Where are they?" she demanded, her voice sharp with urgency.

The caller's voice crackled through the line, the urgency palpable. "27 Kensington High Street. See you there, boss." With that ominous warning, the line went dead, leaving Min Heejin with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

As she hastily relayed the information to her team, she couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking into a trap. Min Heejin wasted no time. With a sense of urgency, she called for an emergency meeting in the operations room. Her voice echoed through the corridors, commanding the attention of her team as they hurried to assemble.

As the operatives filed into the room, Min Heejin stood at the head of the table, her expression grave. "We've received a tip regarding the whereabouts of Danielle Marsh and Kang Haerin," she began, her voice steady despite the turmoil churning inside her.

"According to the caller, they're being held at 27 Kensington High Street in London." She paused, her gaze sweeping over the faces of her team.

"We have no time to waste. Gear up and prepare for immediate deployment. We're bringing them home." As Hyein and Hanni geared up for the mission, the tension in the air was palpable. Their hands moved with practiced precision as they checked their equipment, ensuring everything was in order for the operation ahead.

Hyein couldn't help but notice the lack of urgency in Minji's demeanor as she sauntered into the room. Her nonchalant attitude grated on Hyein's nerves, a stark contrast to the sense of urgency that permeated the room.

"We need to move quickly," Hyein stated firmly, her gaze meeting Minji's with a hint of frustration.

"Every moment counts."

Minji shrugged indifferently, her expression betraying little concern. "You don't have to tell me twice," she replied casually, adjusting her gear with practiced ease.

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