Chapter 16: Oblivion

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As Danielle's eyes fluttered open, she found herself bound to a chair in a dimly lit room. Panic surged through her veins as she struggled against her restraints, her heart pounding in her chest. They had taken her further underground, to a place unknown and shrouded in darkness.

Suddenly, a nearby screen flickered to life, casting an eerie glow across the room. Danielle's heart skipped a beat as she watched, her eyes widening in disbelief as she saw the figure of Kang Haerin moving through the shadows.

As Danielle watched Haerin's figure on the screen, a mix of emotions surged within her. Relief flooded through her veins at the sight of the girl, her beating erratically. Yet, fear gnawed at her insides.

Suddenly, Jay's sinister voice echoed through the radio, sending shivers down Danielle's spine. "Enjoy your stay, Danielle," he sneered, his words dripping with malice. "You're not going anywhere."

As Jay's menacing words hung in the air, another screen flickered to life, revealing the frantic image of Minji rushing through the corridors, desperately searching for Danielle and Haerin. Danielle's heart clenched with dread at the sight of her friend's determined yet panicked expression. The realization of the danger they all faced settled heavily in her chest.

With a surge of adrenaline, Danielle strained against the restraints, her muscles straining against the tight bonds that held her captive. But no matter how hard she struggled, the belts refused to give way, binding her to the chair with unforgiving strength.

Tears welled in Danielle's eyes as she realized the futility of her efforts. She was trapped, helpless to do anything but watch as her friends fought for their lives above ground.

Frustration and fear gnawed at her insides as she stared at the screen, longing for freedom but knowing that escape seemed impossible in her current state. Desperation surged within her as she racked her brain for a way out.

With her heart pounding in her chest, Danielle turned her gaze to the camera, her voice trembling as she addressed Jay. "Please," she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. "If you spare me, I'll do anything. Just let them go."

But Jay's response was cold and merciless. "I'm afraid that's not how it works, Danielle," he replied, his voice dripping with malice. "Your friend, has caused me quite a bit of trouble with those shots to my legs. I think it's only fair that she pays the price."

Despite the despair weighing heavily on her, Danielle refused to give up hope. With a surge of determination, she squirmed and wriggled, coaxing the chair to topple over. With a painful thud, she landed on her side, the chair still attached to her.

Gritting her teeth against the pain, Danielle scanned her surroundings, searching desperately for something—anything—that could help her escape. Her eyes fell upon a small metal object lying nearby, glinting in the dim light of the room.

Danielle's hands were bound tightly to the armrests of the chair, leaving her unable to use them to reach for the object. Desperation flooding her senses, she realized she had to improvise. With gritted teeth, she leaned forward, using her mouth to grasp the metal object. Clenching it between her teeth, she began to maneuver it towards the restraints, her determination unwavering despite the pain and discomfort.

As Danielle surveyed the room, her gaze fell upon the door blocking her escape. It was old and weathered, made of flimsy wood that looked like it had seen better days. A glimmer of hope sparked within her as she realized the door might be her ticket to freedom.

Summoning all her strength, Danielle approached the door cautiously. With a deep breath to steel herself, she raised her foot and delivered a powerful kick to the wooden barrier. The door groaned in protest, but it held firm against her initial assault.

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