Chapter 11: Backbone Peril

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As Danielle and Haerin pressed on through the dimly lit corridors, their pace gradually slowed. Exhaustion weighed heavily on their shoulders, and the need for a moment's respite became undeniable. Haerin's hand throbbed with pain, a constant reminder of the injury she had sustained earlier.

"Let's stop here for a moment," Danielle suggested, her voice soft with concern. "You need to rest."

Haerin nodded gratefully, sinking down against the cold stone wall with a weary sigh. She cradled her injured hand close to her chest, wincing at the dull ache that pulsed through her fingers.

As they sat in silence, catching their breath, Danielle's gaze flickered to Haerin's hand, her heart sinking at the sight of the makeshift bandage stained with blood.

"I completely forgot about your hand," she murmured, her voice tinged with guilt. "Let me take a look at it."

“Hey, I'm okay. It's just a small cut. I'll be fine.“

Ignoring Haerin's protests, Danielle gently reached for her hand, her touch careful and tender. Haerin tried to pull away, insisting that she was fine, but Danielle wouldn't be dissuaded. 

"I know you're tough," Danielle said softly, her voice filled with concern. "But we can't ignore this. Let me see."

Reluctantly, Haerin relented, allowing Danielle to unwrap the makeshift bandage. As the cloth fell away, revealing the deep gash on Haerin's hand, Danielle's heart sank.

"It looks worse than I thought," she murmured, her brows furrowing with worry. "We need to clean and dress it properly." 

Haerin nodded, her expression tight with pain. Despite her attempts to downplay the severity of her injury, Danielle could see the strain etched in the lines of her face. 

Seeing the extent of the wound, Danielle reached into her pocket and pulled out a small bottle of alcohol. She glanced at Haerin, her eyes searching for any sign of hesitation.

"Is it okay if I use this to clean the wound?" Danielle asked, her voice gentle yet firm. She knew the alcohol would sting, but it was necessary to prevent infection.

Haerin nodded, steeling herself for the inevitable pain. "Do it," she said, her voice steady despite the discomfort she knew was coming.

With a nod of understanding, Danielle poured a small amount of alcohol onto a piece of cloth and began to gently dab at Haerin's wound. As the liquid made contact, Haerin winced, but she remained resolute, gritting her teeth against the pain.

"I'm sorry," Danielle murmured, her heart heavy with guilt. She hated causing Haerin any more suffering, but she knew it was necessary to ensure her friend's well-being.

Haerin shook her head, offering Danielle a weak smile. "It's okay," she replied, her voice strained.

As she finished cleaning the wound, Danielle tore a strip of fabric from the hem of her shirt and carefully wrapped it around Haerin's hand, securing the makeshift bandage in place. 

"There," she said softly, her gaze meeting Haerin's. "That should help keep it protected until we can find proper medical attention."

Haerin looked down at the bandage, a grateful smile on her lips. "Thank you," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "But you didn't have to do that."

Danielle felt a rush of affection towards Haerin, her heart swelling with a tenderness she couldn't quite explain. "I told you, I'll be your guardian for the day," she replied, her tone gentle. "Well that was technically yesterday but I don't mind taking care of you anyway."

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