Chapter 30

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A/N Hello my lovlies! Sorry for the delay on this chapter. I have had to restart it several times until I was actually ok with it. Anyway, here it is. I do not know or own any of the people named here. This story is fiction and any resemblance to reality is coincidence. I crosspost to AO3 and Wattpad but no where else. Feedback is the fuel to my muse so if you like what I write please let me know. If you want to be alerted when I post anything, you can follow me at _eyes_wideshut on Twitter/X. I hope you enjoy!

Over the next several weeks, they fell into a rhythm. The guys spend most of their days late into the night at the company preparing for their comeback. Felix worked overtime to catch up on emails and help clear out the queues that had gotten backed up during his absence at work. The day their SKZ talker went out with him in it, most of his coworkers watched and he got a flurry of messages from them with excitement. He didn't know how they had found out, he hadn't told anyone but his boss about the connection but apparently word had spread. It seemed like most of their company watched and he got so many congratulations emails and even a few "dude your boyfriends are HOT" messages and two of his coworkers were apparently Stay's and they were equally excited that they had felt like they had an in to their idols and yet insulting that he was daring to date not just one but two members. It made him very nervous for how the rest of Stay was taking it.

Felix talked it over with the others. Chris was positive that once Stay really got to know Felix they would adore him. Jeongin just hugged Felix, surprising the others. Hyunjin and Changbin were loving and supportive and promised they were with him no matter what. Minho cooked for him and kept handing him food whenever he was around. It got to a point where it was funny. Felix had just eaten a huge dinner with the others and they were sitting around talking before heading off to their various evening pursuits and Felix had just patted his tummy. Minho took that as a sign and had appeared shortly after with a tray of snacks and the last of his favorite pudding just in case Felix had wanted that though when Hyunjin had reached for it Minho had smacked his hand causing Felix to just start laughing and it took awhile to stop.Jisung just cuddled him and told him he was too loveable to hate. The best was Seungmin. The younger man had listed why Stay would adore him. Every argument Felix had for why they wouldn't Seungmin would counter with two on why they would. He was a rock for Felix and before it would get too heavy emotionally, he would become the demon gremlin and antagonize one of the others to make Felix laugh.

The group was gearing up for a trip to the US where they would be going to the Met Gala. It hadn't been announced yet but they had met with Tommy Hilfinger who had shown them designs for what they would wear. Felix had been shocked to be included. Mr. Hilfiger had been incredibly kind regarding his inclusion stating he wanted Felix to really stand out, his looks were so striking. Anna Wintour had demanded pictures of Felix and researched him before agreeing to his admittance but apparently Mr.Hilfiger had gone to bat for him and after reading their story she had agreed without reservation. They had even convinced Felix to re-bleach his hair and do some conditioning treatments to make his hair fall like silk. {H- He's right, Angel. You are beautiful.} They were all being dressed in varying colors of red, black, white and navy but Felix was in all white except for his shoes. {C- He looks like an Angel. No wonder you call him that.} {H- Right?!?} Felix blushed.

In preparation to actually join the guys in America, they had Felix interview a couple of private security guards for him. He chose the ones he liked the best and they were set to protect him whenever he was leaving the dorms. Though he worked from the dorm, they fell in step whenever he left. He liked them. JYP himself had submitted the names to Chan ensuring that they would understand the situation and could be trusted. They so far were treating Felix with the utmost of respect.

Every night, Felix either made a simple dinner or stopped and picked up dinner for the group and brought it to the company for everyone. He hated that they were on such strict diets but he found ways to make it delicious and still healthy when he cooked; adding citrus and herbs and spices to add flavor to their simple boiled or grilled chicken and vegetables. They definitely seemed to appreciate his efforts. Conversely, Minho still bought all their favorite treats and made sure Felix tried them all. He felt guilty eating them in front of the group but they seemed happy to fatten him up a bit. He heard several of them comment that he was too thin and that they wanted him to actually enjoy food and the freedom to eat as he chose. Considering his past relationship, he appreciated the effort.

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