i've been dressing for revenge

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The first letter came the next morning.

I was sitting on that hospital wing bed, wondering when Nurse Blainey was going to let me go. Although my nose was fixed, it would occasionally start bleeding randomly, sometimes lasting for almost an hour without stopping. I had to go 2 days without a nosebleed before Nurse Blainey would allow me to do any strenuous activities, but I didn't realize that walking around was considered strenuous to her.

So I was on bed rest until she figured out a solution.

Thanks for everything, Sebastian.

I was half asleep when the first owl came pounding on my window, fluttering around the glass until I got up and let it in. He burst through the window, leaving a few black feathers behind as he wobbled a bit, falling on my bed. I rolled my eyes and sat back down, watching the curious little owl stood obediently, waiting for me to take the letter off his leg.

I slowly untied the letter from his leg, fumbling with the double-knotted string. I untied the letter from his leg slowly, fumbling with the double-knotted string that was already tied pretty tightly. I didn't want it to get stuck on his leg.

Thankfully, the owl sat patiently, watching me slowly untie the string before I finished. Once I unrolled the letter, he hooted once and let me pet his head before leaving in a flash of black.

I smiled, watching out the window as I watched the beautiful owl fly off into the sunrise.

Although when I read the first line of that letter, my smile instantly faded.


Do you know what my parents are saying about you after they heard what you did? It's disgusting, really. I'm not surprised, though. You've always been known to make poor decisions. But with that Weasley? I guess no one else cared to knock you up. I wish you luck. You'll need it."

They left the bottom blank, leaving room for an endless amount of possibilities for who could've sent me the letter.

It obviously wasn't true, but no one was believing it.

I ripped up the letter and turned around in my bed, closing my eyes to go back to bed.

When I had just started to nod off, another owl started pounding on the window. I looked up, letting in the giant barn owl. Thankfully, this time the string wasn't tightly tied.

But as I opened up the letter, it wasn't words that were awaiting me.

"Ouch!" I scream and throw the letter on the other side of the bed as big, red sores quickly cover my hands.

"I'm changing schools," I mutter as I throw my covers off of me, triggering the pain in my hand and I wince.

This was ridiculous. I couldn't even have peace and quiet in the Hospital Wing.

And this only confirmed my case when another owl tried to come through the window. I slammed it shut, causing the owl to screech, and I threw a pillow at it, watching it bounce off the glass and hit the bed, absorbing the shock as I sat down again, throwing myself backward on the bed.

Nurse Blainey walked into the room and simply screamed. "What happened? Did you run away again?"

"No, Nurse Blainey. I haven't gone anywhere. I just woke up." I said, willing her not to look at the window now swarming with owls like an invasive species.

"Are you sure? Where else would you get those sores on your hand?" She asked, looking around the room.

I quickly stood up, trying to shield her view from the window. "I don't know. Allergic reaction, maybe?" I said, following her eye movement and trying to block her from seeing.

Revelio- Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now