live now, think later

70 2 123

WARNING: this chapter contains mature content, meaning NSFW. please!! read in the comfort of your own home or somewhere private <33 

(please if I know you irl do not ever mention this chapter in front of me 😭)

"I've heard from a certain someone that you've set their dorm bed on fire?" Professor Weasley said, after I sat down and got settled in their room.

"Um. No offense, Professor Weasley, but do you really think it was me? If this person wasn't Slytherin, I couldn't even get into their dorm, and I just got out of the Hospital Wing today. How could I have possibly done that?" I lied, hoping it wasn't who I knew it was.

"Someone revealed to me that the victim was Violet Rivers. I've heard that you two don't get along very well. And considering the recent rumors circulating about you, it wouldn't surprise me if your hormones played a role." Professor Weasley cringed a bit, trying not to laugh.

"Professor, do you really believe those rumors? I may be impulsive, but I'm not irresponsible. I show up to my classes, get good grades, and I've only gone to one party this year." I say, putting my hand over my mouth at those last few words. Whoops.

"I'm going to ignore that last statement. Could you hand me your wand?"

I reluctantly handed over my wand as she examined it. "W-what are you going to do?" I said, squirming in my seat.

"Prior Incantato," she says, touching the tip of her wand to the tip of mine.

She hums and looks up at me, her eyes filled with pity.

"Looks like the last spell used on this wand was 'Incendio'," she says matter-of-factly.

"Professor, I swear, if I wanted to set Violet's bed on fire, I wouldn't use Incendio to do it," I said, laughing nervously.

"Then can you please tell me why Incendio was the last spell used on your wand?" She said, crossing her hands together on her desk.

"I used it to burn a letter someone had sent me," I replied honestly.

"Do we have any proof? Do you have the ashes?"

I couldn't tell her the ashes were in the ocean, because then she would question where there was an ocean around here. And I wasn't even sure if I had permission to enter the room by Professor Weasley.

"No, I don't," I said, refusing to look at her in the face.

"Since we have no proof, I have no choice but to give you detention," she started.

Is she serious? She doesn't have proof that I did it, either. Violet was just her favorite.

"Now this will last 2 weeks, for destruction of property and lying to a teacher."

I rolled my eyes as she continued, handing me a sheet of paper.

"The first two days will be with Professor Garlick, helping her tend to her plants. The next four will be with Professor Sharp, by helping him clean out his potion ingredient storage. After that, those next three days will be with Professor Hecat. And those last 5 days will be with Professor Ronen, showing the third years how to perform the Patronus Charm," she said as I scanned the paper.

This was so stupid. 2 weeks? I'd have physically no free time.

"This starts tomorrow, for 4 hours after school, except in Professor Ronen's class, where Professor Fig and Madam Kogawa will escort you out."

Had she had too much pumpkin juice? I swear I misheard her. 4 hours? I resisted the urge to groan before I realized. Only one problem. As much as I've heard about the Patronus Charm, I've never cast it.

Revelio- Sebastian SallowWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt