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It was the next day and I hadn't heard from Beyoncé since this morning

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

It was the next day and I hadn't heard from Beyoncé since this morning. She told me she'd pick me up as soon as she was done handling business. She was a hothead, so I knew she was doing something she wasn't supposed to do. Still, I was trying to avoid any more altercations between Beyoncé and one of my old flings.

I wasn't bothered by Dave, even though last night threw me for a complete loop, I was used to his nonsense. As well as Kai.

Dave was always the type to snatch me up but last night, I knew he wasn't playing with me, and telling by the still stinging bruise that was covered in Aquaphor, I knew he was pissed about that chain.

Last night he came to me kindly, not putting me between him and Beyoncé beef even though we both knew their problems rooted with me. He didn't care though. I'm sure he still thinks he can get to me and have me whenever he wants but it wasn't like that anymore.

I was with Beyoncé and he didn't respect it.

Still, I never expected him to actually hurt me. When I first met him, he would try to father me and snatch me up when I didn't listen but he'd never bruise me. It became a continuous thing and honestly, I used to love it.

But now that I wasn't with him, everything was different. I didn't want to be touched by anybody but Beyoncé but it seems that niggas can't take no for an answer.

It baffles me that niggas do this knowing that Beyoncé would never let it pass. Their beef wasn't going to end well, I needed it to end before somebody ended up dead.

:come pick me up now

Beyoncé 🩷🤸🏽‍♂️: Didn't I say I'll be there when I'm done?

:didn't I tell you last night to pick me up in the morning? you see what fucking time it is right??

Beyoncé 🩷🤸🏽‍♂️: Give me a few more minutes
:An hour

:beyoncé kiss my ass
:i'll gladly get a uber

Beyoncé 🩷🤸🏽‍♂️:.....😒
:i'm omw girl

:what are u doing anyway?

Beyoncé 🩷🤸🏽‍♂️: I'm just tryna make sure everything's good
: be there in 15, get ready

I got up and quickly got ready, stuffing all my belongings into my purse. Quickly I told Mali I was leaving soon and she wrapped up my breakfast for me to go.

Lauren hugged me, "I'll miss you sexy."

"I'll miss you more slut. I'll be by your house sometime this week to see my nephew." Mali gave me my food and soon my girlfriend was honking outside.

I rolled my eyes, snatching the door open and fixing my dress along my thighs. She got out and opened the passenger side for me, kissing my head.

"Wassup baby?"

Young AsfNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ