wow.. just wow.. read this if u are interested!! :D

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okok soo i never really like to talk seriously.. cause im known to be one of the happiest people alive..

according to some friends.. actually most.. i am a jokester..ish??

watever u do desicide to call me.. i am a person one can trust.

youu know.. the reason why im wriiting this is because im so confused.

with how people could treat themselves like crap..

like complete utter crap.

like they dont even have a soul.

like their body is litteraly controlled by their body, not their thoughts. their brain, but their disgusting bodies.

ok sooo i know this may seem a little harsh..

but come on!


not very old..

to be quiet honest!!

i never had a boyfriend.. sure people asked me out and stuff.. but i always denied. why? i dont know!


i also never had my first kiss.



i also never been in love.. but thats kinda hard to do.. when you dont have a bf.. or somehting.

unless ur like a stripper.. or something.

point being!

when your 14.. sure ur a teenager..

but do people really have to disrespect themselves???

ok so today. i figured out that my good friend.. that i met. like last year. i was never close to the girl. but we got to be good friends this year.

well this lovely girl. is one that i just described up there..

i cant look at her the same way. i be around her. im scared for my own life around her for some strange reason

u know. i love being my innocent little self. without a problemo in sight.. i dont go out on friday nights.

although i would love to go. and if it was my decision i would. but my parents are major strictooss!!

soo i dont.

plus im not a rebell!!

soo im awesome like that. but the fact that someone can actually do things.. that i would have never imagined happening at my age. that girl is my age!

and like she also involved my other great friend who was my LOCKER PARTNER! AHAAH I LOVE THAT GIRL!

but back to serious bussiness. like i just believe that someone would bring someone else into those kinds of situations.

lets just say.. a new years party gone totaly wrong.. and not like any wrong

like it was bad. and from what i know. isnt even thw whole truth.. because people just want to protect me and make sure im safe and that i dont get influence by the wrong people!

and i thank them all for that..

and i love u guys all!!





just be safe people..

and trust those who you really do know. and make sure that you always always!!! ALWAYS!!


cause if i hear one day.. that one of u guys died or something..

and no.. nobody died.. then again i dont know everthing.

but honestly i wouldnt be surprised if somebody did.. and like its just so sad.

that someone my age. would put another person in such a situation. were the other had no idea what was happening.

i seriously feel like crying right now.

because my previous locker partner. was also my best friend last year. and i really really really hope she is all good.. cause im soo sorry that i didnt know this for so long.

it took 5 months forr someone to tell me this. and i now know why.

i honestly dont know whos who in this world anymore. i dont know if.. i just dont know. and it scares me! cause  i dont know what to say. or what to do.

its just.

respect yourselves. and be safe. make the right decisions and dont do stupid things. that you will regret in the future.

unless ur a sick minded person. just dont do anything.. that WILL! put others in danger.

i just cant imagine. anything. i just dont know what to say.. i guess im a little traumatized cause well i never knew such things could actually happen in one night.

but i am thankfull that my friends told me. cause i dont know if i could like even look her in the eyes anymore.

but the thing that really bothers me is that she doesnt have the courage.. or the trust to actually admit. the things she did.

just yeah

i seriously dont know what to say.

and i dont know what i would or will do if something like this ever happens again.

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