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HO HO HO!! merry x-mas!! :D

haloha! commo esta??

well im good.. and no.. im not spanish... just in case u people were wondering!!

and i cant talk italian.. i kno!! it sucks!! :P

ookok soo i am officially the meanest person alive!!!

and im sooooo ssooo sooo sorry!! 


me being a genius forgot to give her a shout out!! cause she made me 3 COVERS!! FOR THIS BLOG THAT U PEOPLE ARE CURRENTLY READING!! THATS RIGHT!! THE COVER THAT I HAVE NOW!!

i forgot to give her a shout out!!

soo if u people LIKE MY COVER!! THEN GO AND FAN HER!!

and if u really like her work.. i hope she wont mind me telling u people to ask her!!

cause she truely is one of the kindest people on this site!! and to know that i let her down.. well it gets me really sad!! and i feel soo bad!! cause i never forget thigs like this!!

AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF!! I CHANGED MY THING!! but i put it bak!! but ill put the other one bak.. sometime... im gonna do like one week XOlittleme7140X one.. and the next week my other one.. im sorry i forget her name.. but im gonna check right about now! ok soo its Jennacakes13!


ok soo u people are most probs thinking..

Saba!! wat happen to the shout outs?!?!?! u said u were gonna do them yesterday!!! wtf??

weell i can explain!! u see.. i got drownded!! THE DAY BEFORE X-MAS EVE!!

why u may ask...


me madré is EVIL!! i just woke up.. and i was like.. ok Saba do this now.. soo u can have the rest of the day to urself.. and sleep.. sooo when i got on my wattpad account.. i could my list open.. with the people of which i had to give shout outs too...   and then my mom came into my room.. forced me to turn off my laptop.. and then said i was grownded and wasnt allowed to use the internet.. for the day!! THANK GOD ONLY A DAY!!

soo thats why i am here now.. ssoo that i cant give u people shout outs!! and then.. i have to take a shower.. do my hair.. pack.. and then sleep.. cause im spending the weekend at my cousins.. and comming back i think sunday.. and then on monday.. my mom, sister and me are going on a little road trip to the states..without my dad.. cause he has work.. as always.. but thats not for sure.. soo im pretty much booked for the few days. soo i wont be reading.. or wriitting blogs for a while!! AND IM SORRY!!

okok soo here it goes!! :D









Ok soo green is for the people whos stories i really really really really really really really really really really LOVED!! And yellow is for those who i find have really good stories and deserve a shout out..

Btw.... i am not done reading that list that i posted last time.. and im kinda reading all over the place.. cause not only do i have the stories requested to read but i also have the stories that i have been reading originally.. soo thats also a reason why i am taking long to read.. but don't worry.. i have been reading ALOT LATELY and im soo confused with the stories.. that i literally need to like re-read all the chapters.. just to make sure im not thinking of some other story!! Soo again i have now about 100  people stories to read.. minus those who i just gave shout outs too.. well if ur story is still going on.. then i will be reading it!! Don't worry! :D

Ahahaahhah ok soo im going back to reading.. and i will soon do the things i said i was going to do in the beginning of this blog!! :D

Ohh and don't worry!!! Ill bring on the funny random stuff soon.. i mean my family is cracked!!

Ohh and i have a prostitute aunt!! I hate her!! And she hates me!! But its true!!

Well shes not a prostitute.. but she flirts with everyone... well my uncle.. and she shows off to well everybody.. and copies everything my family does.. soo me no like like her :D

Ahhah oh well.. its a Saba Family thing :P

ahhah soo yeah.. im gonna let u people goo..

have a good safe and happy holiday weekend!!


ok look if u think food is ur friend.. well u eat food.. and if u eat food.. then ur eating ur friends.. and if ur eating ur friends.. well u got a problemo on ur hands!!!



cause then u can go POOF!! and thats bad!!

okays! so go fan!!


cause that will make her and Saba's day! :D

and no i dont know her in real life..  soo yeahh!! go fan and read the other people's stories up there ^^^ there really good and im sure ull like them! :D

bye bye now!!

Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer 

had a very shiny nose. 

And if you ever saw him, 

you would even say it glows. 

All of the other reindeer 

used to laugh and call him names. 

They never let poor Rudolph 

join in any reindeer games. 

Then one foggy Christmas Eve 

Santa came to say: 

"Rudolph with your nose so bright, 

won't you guide my sleigh tonight?" 

Then all the reindeer loved him 

as they shouted out with glee, 

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, 

you'll go down in history! 

YAY!! :D!!

RANDOM-NESS!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora