Do U Like To Go POOF???? 8D hehe

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heyyy peeeppppppppps!!

dam!! i just hightlited and accidentaly erased all the stuff i wrote!!!!

man, i hate when that happens..

ok soo hello again..

well not really but oh well....

okok soo u guys wanna kno something crazy???


noooo *gives digusted face*

huh?? well then im gonna start my little story....

so once upon a time there was a mommy human and a daddy human.. they fell in love and BAM!!!! like BAM! they made their 1st child..

who is my sister :D

hehe then the mommy and the daddy loved each other so much more!! soo then BAM!! like BAM!! mommy human was prego again.. but little human baby in stomach didnt want to come out of belly and said "Bye Bye!!"  and like POOF!! like POOF! he was gone :(

daddy and mommy human were really sad.. so about a year latter... BAM!! LIKE BAM!! mommy human was prego AGAIN!! and along came a lovely crazy sweet kind and extremely attractive *wink wink* little human baby girl :D

ME!! :D

and then mommy and daddy human still wanted more little human baby... soo BAM!! like BAM!! mommy was prego again.. but this time tummy didnt grow.. and little alien baby thing said "Bye Bye!!" and like POOF... POOF... it? was gone!! :(


yupp soo yeahh.. my family was supposed to consist of 2 parents and 4 kids..


my sister

my bro

and alien baby...

yeahh... my mom had 2 mis carages.. and that really sucks cause me and my sis really wanted a bro.. but i wanted to be the middle child!! ITS NOT FAIR!!

im the youngest.. well obviously.. since my sis is older :P

ahah soo yeahh..

did u ever wish u had another sibbling??

well i always wanted a older bro..and younger.. i mean like they are like soo much fun!! most things i do with my friends brothers.. i cant do with my sis.. cause shes too boring....

like all the time.. when i go to my friends house and they have a bro.. im gonna go straight to that dude and start playing floor hockey.. play soccer outside.. basketball sometimes.. and one time.. in the summer i went to my friend Veronica's house.. and man do i love her.. her bro and my sis went to the same elementary.. before she switched to the one i used to go to..

anyways.. soo one time i went to her house.. and my sis, V, her bro, and me decided to play football.

ok #1

it was raining a bit outside.. like u could barely feel it sorta thing...

i had my hair done.. and when my hair is done i like to keep it pretty..

#2 the park football field was filled with mud..


ok now just incase your not sure.. i mean football as in tackle football... u kno.. like the  movie "THE BLIND SIDE"

omg how i love that movie!! its so inspiering.. dont u think???

YEAH SOO LIKE we were running jumping each other.. dieing a little.. and then we got back to their house.. with mud all over us!! it was the FUNNIEST thing of life!!

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