Chapter 1-Eat Family

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a/n" if youre wondering why i know the script, it because im watching a pirated ver.

You blinked, your golden eyes looking at the bright atmosphere around you. You stretched your hand out, slightly in pain as your tail was curled around your waist. Being in darkness for a long time, take it's toll on you when you're surrounded in blinding lights and white. People ran around, waiting and listening for orders and doing their job. You slipped your gooey covered claws out, clicking your claws on the outer part of the shell. You gave out a loud squeal which caught attention of some scientists. A blonde woman, around her late fifties, named Alice watched you with curiosity and can't help but smile and say to herself, "I... I think I'll name you (Y/n). A cute little name for a dangerous killer like you."

7 Months Later

You bit into your sister's tail, tasting her delicious, well at least to you it is, metallic blood. She cried out in pain, trying to claw your eyes out as you move your jaws around vigorously to rip her pale grey tail off of her body. She was slightly smaller than you with less sharper claws. You two have gone reckless without food for the past few hours. What the scientists don't know is that your...unique kind would need food to not go crazy. They think you both would be like other normal dinosaurs that would need to be fed only twice a day. You both need to be fed four times a day.

You jammed your strong jaws onto her barely developed tail. She roared out in pain, now trying to run to get her tail away from your sharp teeth. You only bit harder and you stabbed your claws onto the base of her tail, getting closer to her hips, blood gushing out like a river. You knew. You knew they were watching. They were watching behind that bullet proof glass that they think you can't break. You can sense them talking among themselves and how amazing you had the balls to even kill your own blood. She kicked her chin off of her tail, only for you to stumble back and rip off a quarter of her tail. She roared in pain, her eyes start to close as she lands on her back with a thud and a huge vibration, the crew members were sure that the whole park felt and heard it. You chewed a bit on her tail, her strong bones crushing like sticks under the strength of your jaw, before downing it. You turned, facing the one way glass.

You eyes, faded to an intimidating, glaring red colour, similar to the shade of your sister's blood. You opened your mouth, ninety degrees, and gave a loud roar and stomping on your sister's head, crushing its skull like paper, loud cracks heard. You gracefully swished your tail closer to your hips and stared down at your dead sister in triumph. Your eyes glowed back to its original gold colour before your side (?) eyelids blinked. You flashed a set of yellow teeth before rushing down, sinking your razor sharp teeth into the rib-cage of your sister's carcass. Everyone in the room applauded. The only people there were the scientists to see if everything is going well, for them it is but...they don't know what trouble they have gotten into. Alice, however, had tears in her eyes as she looked at your sister drawing her last breath. She shook her head but slowly applauded with the others, hoping that it didn't catch anyone's attention.

9 More Months Later

You scaled, you tail gracefully following you, through the small jungle, huffing in annoyance as you sensed more people staring right at you through the glass. The trees rustled and branches broke under your feet, your footsteps loud. You growled softly, the sound echoing within the room the three people were. "We hit a few speed bumps early on. It began to anticipate where the food had been coming from. One of the handlers nearly lost an arm the others threatened to quit if I didn't guaranty their safety," You had learnt so much from them. Like how they behave, how they communicate and how they handle you.

"She's intelligent, then," a man behind the bullet-proof glass inspected, half of your back showing, your pale grey skin peeking out of the palm trees and vegetation. "For a dinosaur," the red-headed woman's voice echoed, her voice getting higher at the end, due to nervousness. You glance at them, seeing the man point to a part of the viewing glass where it was severely damaged, due to your 'clumsiness'. (cue giggling from you)

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