Chapter 2-Trust

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Alice nervously bit her lip and scratched one of her hands with the other, a habit that she has whenever she's nervous. She stood outside the human sized door with a skeptical look. No, no, she can't go back now. You were waiting inside and expecting her to come in, you stood right in front of the human sized door. The blonde sighed and slid the card in front of the card reader and the door slid open. She took a step in and took a look around. She spotted you right in front of her as she put her card back. You had your eyes at the golden shade and you growled as the door behind her start to close slowly. She took a few steps forward, making sure to not lose eye contact with you and you lowered your head, inching forward. She smiles brightly at you, your face was only a metre away from her. "Hey (Y/n)!" She greets ecstatically.

You whine and purr, waiting for her soft hands to reach out and pet you. She slowly let her hand out, hoping her hand wouldn't be chomped off and become a small snack. You lean in closer and shut your eyes, starting to feel the soft hand of the woman on your pale grey snout. You purr softly and nudged your head more which almost made Alice fall back on her bum but she took a step back, balancing herself. She starts to use her nails on your snout, scratching it. You whine and she smiled, putting more pressure into scratching your almost rock hard skin. You growl lowly in your throat and opened your golden eyes, staring into her emerald orbs. She smiles and says, "Clever girl."

You gave a creepy, weird yellow-toothy smile and snarled. She only chuckled and used her other hand to scratch your snout as well, making sure you don't seem threatened like making it look like she has a weapon in the other hand. You pulled back, standing up straight and looking down at her with a look that said 'I promise I won't hurt you' and let out your hand to her, wanting to carry her in your sharp-ass claws.

Alice looked at your waiting hand hesitantly and looked back at you, slowly walking towards your open hand. She looked at you with a slightly doubtful look but sucked it up and sat, quite uncomfortably, on your small palm. You gave out a soft roar and huff now carrying her mid-air with her legs dangling from your hand and her arms resting on where your hand starts from carrying her. She starts to panic as she gets lift up higher, looking down on the ground, realising that her fear of heights never crossed her mind... Well, until now. You stomp slowly over to your secret corner where a bunch of leaves and a bunch of bones were resting. You glance down, now seeing her with a white face and looked like she has seen a ghost or maybe even death. You stare at her with concern as you slowly lean down to your bed of leaves and chewed up bones. You let her feet touch the ground then slowly let go of her body, making sure to give a small nudge to make her stand up straight. You whine and bend your legs, your chest going eye level of her as she dusted off her grey jacket. She smiles and rubs your snout reassuringly, giving a pat before walking around to inspect your home that you made from what you had destroyed over the past year.

I wonder how old she is if she was a human right now? Alice asks herself then immediately went to calculate how old you would be and if you were old enough to mate. After a few moments of her walking and you watching her, she came to a conclusion of you being 25 I. Rex years. They modified you to grow fast for a year then age slowly from then on like a normal person. They only did it for a few dinosaurs like velociraptors, I Rex, stegosaurus and the Mosasaur. They had to make them grow fast since they need more 'assets' for their 'attractions'.

Alice wondered if you can mate with the same species that you are. She also wondered if you're smart enough to actually understand her. She spun on her heel and called out, "Hey, (Y/n)!" You then proceed to turn to her and walk over, slowly leaning down while purring. Alice smiles.

"Do you understand what am I saying?" She asks slowly as if talking to a dysfunctional Siri on her phone. You stare at for a few seconds then nodding your head. Alice's brain exploded. She was mind blown that you can understand but said, "Are you sure?"

You nod once again only reacting faster. Alice grinned from ear to ear and decided to test you. "Uh, tell me what is a tree," she said as you proceeded to turn around then walk over to the edge of the forest. You gripped one of the trees and pulled it out of its roots, struggling a little and stumbling once pulling it out. You turn towards her and went over to show her what you got. Alice smirked and crossed her arms.

"Hey (Y/n), how would you like a study session?"

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