Chapter 7- Wake Up!

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A/n:GUYS!!!!! This is where you guys can request romantic/friendship/fluffy/cute scenes between you and Owen! The chapter after the next one (Chapter 9), PM message me your most creative way you can express your affection towards Owen!!! And I will try to write as many as I can write! You can private message me by telling me to follow you (but obviously you have to follow me,it's fine if you unfollow me after)    Since you wouldn't want anyone to steal your idea!
also! Tell me if you want the reader to turn into a half dinosaur and human at the end [For smut ;)] this chapter is just a filler. Starting from the one after the next chapter, tell me your requests!

You were led by Barry an Alice who were driving in the jeep, your footsteps' vibrations spreading across the floor. You chased after the jeep, making sure you don't lose your way. They led you towards your habitat by driving you there. Of course you tried your hardest to not eat them up immediately since you were already hungry.

Furthermore, you became much angrier when you hear Hoskins threatening Barry over the radio, saying he better bring you where he was. The jungle zipped past you, dark moving shadows chased after you, the long leaves of palm trees slapping against its bark, as if clapping. Wind picked up pace, bushes rustling, leaves slapping; it almost became too deafening for you since you had a good sense of hearing. The light from the moon only illuminating the trees, moonlight peeking through the leaves and trees, casting strange shaped-shadows.

Barry had taken ahold of the steering wheel. Alice sat beside him as she kept a close eye on Owen. Barry kept glancing in the jeep's side mirror, hoping to see that you weren't chasing his vehicle any more. Alice's head was in a jumble, thinking a million possible conclusions to why Owen fainted to just a mere glimpse of your eyes. She never encountered anything like it before. Her eyebrows were knitted together as she looks in the rear mirror, seeing Owen knocked out. She shakes her head, resting her elbow on the car door, her greying blonde hair- that was not surprising matted with dirt- gently blew in the rough wind, some strands of hair whipping her wrinkled face. Alice was reaching sixty. As an early grandmother, she lived with her husband of nearly forty years until nine years ago a red headed organised freak approached her with a job for a spot in Jurassic World.

Although hesitant, Jerry, her husband, eventually agreed for Alice to leave the house, only visiting for holidays, including summer and the Christmas season.

A small leave landed on your eye and almost immediately, you shake your head and kept blinking and soon enough, it was gone. You let out a roar, startling Barry but made a smile appear on Alice's face. Barry turns to look at her then looks back on the road. "Did you imprint on her? When she was born?" He asks.

"Yeah. We had a very close relationship. Even closer than the bond I had with her sister, that she ate," Alice says, glancing over to him. "So... Did she try to hurt you since then?"

"Of course! But after that small incident, (Y/n) started treating me like I was her mother. Here," she says and turns a bit then lifts up her sleeves-that were rolled up to her mid forearm- up to her elbow, showing a long faint scar that ran from where her sleeves started to her elbow. It seemed like it wasn't deep but Barry knew it was deep enough to cause a hell lot of pain.

"Ever since she saw what she did to me, she started to treat me like a porcelain doll," she says, rolls down her sleeves and sat to the position she was in before. "How bout you? How bout you, Owen and the raptors?" She asks, her eyes on the jungle trees that passed her by quickly.

"Today Owen almost died by saving a guy on the new job," he chuckles, shaking his head as he glanced into the rear mirror to look at Owen's sleeping form. "For a moment I thought he was crazy. The raptors are barely trained and Hoskins already wants them out onto the field, that's why we released them to the jungle."

Alice nods. You roar back, as if responding. Alice and Barry lets out a dry chuckle.

Blinding white lights slipped into Owen's eyes as he looks up to the ceiling. He thought he was in a hospital due to the blinding lights but he concluded he wasn't since he didn't hear a heart monitor beeping. He lets out a long sigh and grunts, lifting up a hand to cover himself from the lights. He shakes his head and heaves a breathy grunt, sitting up to see the familiar infirmary he had visited one too many times because of his vicious raptors. Cabinets filled with drugs and bandages lined the tiled wall, an abandoned wheeled chair in front of a desktop. He knew he was lying down on a green procedure-like bed. He rolls his eyes and his shoulders, a satisfying crack reaching his ears. Another series of cracks came from his neck as he tilts his head, his muscles loosening. He opens his eyes and looks down.
How long did I sleep? What time is it?
He then tries to remember what happened the last time he was awake. All he saw in his was was your eyes and darkness. But your eyes seemed to overpower the dark, now realising that your golden-snake like eyes didn't seem too...vicious like his raptors. But he saw more of affection and feeling behind your eyes. He shakes his head again, blinking his eyes, your orbs disappearing from his head.

Owen plants his feet on the ground. For the love of God, don't break your face. Just let me walk.
His knees almost buckle under him but he was able to reach the door on the other side without dying. Thankfully.

He opens the metal door to see an empty hallway but hushed tones were talking in a nearby room. He looks outside the glass walls, the sky was dark. Meaning it was just a few hours that had passed. He recognised this hallway from entering the elevator that brought him to the control room earlier this afternoon. It used to be filled with panicked guests but now it was dead silent other than the three-no seven people talking. He steps out, turning his head towards the room. It seemed like his legs took a life of its own since he immediately started walking in that direction. He turned a corner to see double doors leading towards the staff's cafeteria. He heads right in, his eyes scanning the room to find any potential raptors looking for donuts. (I don't know why I wrote that xD)

All he saw was Zach, Gray, Vivian, Lowery, Claire, Barry and Alice all sitting at a table. They all looked surprisingly calm while the adults drank coffee and the kids ate dinner. A smile tugged at his lips. They all suddenly laughed at Alice's story of you. Of how you looked when you tried to get out of her toilet after you accidentally flushed. Owen's face turned into a look of concern and anger. He approached the table, Barry only noticing his presence when he started walking towards them. "Owen! Come sit with us."

Everyone had their heads up to see Owen standing at one of the end of table. "Where's the animal? And my raptors?" Silence erupted when they heard Owen's stern tone. "Don't worry. (Y/n) brought them back to their Paddock. She's at her habitat, she's sleeping but she needs food soon," Alice says, a smile on her face. Owen looks over to her, his face unreadable, wooden and unmoving as a statute. He folds his arms. "How would we know if she escaped again or not?"

Alice sighs. She ignored him and looks over to the boys, the others following her line of vision. "Do you guys wanna meet (Y/n)?"

"Heck yeah!" Gray cheered. Zach game a small smile. "Sure. I don't see why not," Alice turns to Owen and gives him a secret smug face.

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